Call of Duty Warzone: Mobile shows off peak graphics mode for iPhone and iPad

  • Warzone Mobile on iPhone will have access to an enhanced graphics mode with some devices
  • You’ll get 2k resolution, enhanced details, ambient occlusion, reflection and light mapping, and more
  • Could it be that Apple’s overlooking a key way to set itself apart in the face of opening up iOS?

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile will boast cutting-edge graphics on launch for iPhone and iPad players, it has been announced. An exclusive video from the App Store showed off how any device from the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, or any iPad with an M1 chip will be able to play Warzone Mobile with peak graphics mode. This mode boasts everything from light and reflection maps to 2K resolution detail as well as enhanced foliage density and ambient occlusion amongst many other enhancements.

A bite of an Apple

Apple has often promoted their devices based on their inherent power and flashy features. After all, the quality is what many Apple fanatics will point to as the key reason for their loyalty. Last week we looked at the company’s reaction to recent EU legislation changes, and how that had translated into another public butting of heads with Epic. While Apple seems intent on holding onto control of iOS for as long as possible – stymying developers of third-party storefronts – it seems they’ve overlooked what their key strength could instead be.

With this kind of graphical fidelity at what we would assume is a very competitive frame rate, Apple could still have a way to set themselves and their ecosystem apart, alongside bringing major console and PC releases like Resident Evil and Assassin’s Creed to their devices.

This latest graphical milestone is also a testament to just how powerful mobile devices have grown even in the past few years that Warzone Mobile can achieve not just graphical parity with, but in some cases superior to, mainline consoles and PCs.

But if you’re not playing on an iPhone, or you’re simply not fussed, why not check out what else is on offer? We’ve got our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) with hidden gems and major releases galore!