YOU SAID IT: What about Canadians?

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Jagmeet Singh and the NDP have succeeded in having the House of Commons pass their amended (i.e. watered down) motion aimed at improving the situation and lives of Palestinians. While that may well be a laudable goal, it is unfortunate that this band of virtue-signalling do-gooders does not have the same level of concern for fellow Canadians.

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Instead, they continually push pie-in-the-sky dreams and prop up a tired Liberal government, bereft of any new ideas or actions to better the lot of Canadians.

They brag about “forcing” Trudeau into a dental plan for those without and who cannot afford coverage. Unfortunately, these folks still can’t afford the upfront payment most dentists require while they await reimbursement.

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They brag about their “universal” pharmacare plan that is anything but — then only if provinces opt in. And so far it only covers diabetes (good) and contraceptives (nice). But the latter is hardly a life and death priority, vis-à-vis unaffordable drugs some cannot afford yet require to stay alive without forgoing groceries and other necessities.

It would be heartwarming if they did more to directly benefit our citizens rather than grandstanding, especially for the international stage. A pair of useless political parties together indeed!



Re: LILLEY: Trudeau treating Ukraine and Israel differently based on votes, online, March 19

Both Ukraine and Israel have the right to defend themselves. The main difference is that Russians have full access to food, water and medical supplies on their own territory.  Nothing Ukraine is doing limits the access by Russians to the basic necessities of life. Recent attacks on Russian refineries may limit access to petroleum products in certain areas, but they will not threaten lives.

Israel has a right to take military action to seek the release of hostages, but it should not deliberately or thoughtlessly inhibit the flow of humanitarian supplies to civilians. That is the most basic reason for treating Israel and Ukraine differently.



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