What is Authorization Error 270fd309 in Call of Duty Mobile?

Call of Duty Mobile is often praised by many as one of the best titles that players can play on the go. With the popularity of the game reaching new heights lately, there’s been a hiccup with some players. This comes in the form of Authorization Error 270fd309, and we’re going to run over how to solve this error.

Call of Duty Mobile: What is Authorization Error 270fd309?

CoD Mobile has had its fair share of error codes that players can get from time to time, including Authorization Error 270fd309. If you are presented with this error, there’s a simple resolution.

Authorization Error 270fd309 means that your device doesn’t currently have the correct date and time per your region settings. To ensure this is correct, head over to your device’s settings and double check the region and time zone aren’t changed, as this is likely the direct cause of this error code.

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Credit Infinity Ward

Once you complete this check, close the application and try to load it back into Call of Duty Mobile. Other workarounds to this error code can involve heading into your storage setting per your device and clearing the game cache.

Hopefully, one of these fixes works, as it’s always an annoying feeling when trying to load into a game, and it simply doesn’t want to work.

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