The Weirdest Seeds In Minecraft


  • Mushroom Island with four ocean monuments surrounding it offers a unique and dangerous challenge for players to conquer.
  • Rare oddities like an underwater Lava Temple and a Tall Woodland Mansion showcase the incredible variety of Minecraft terrain generation.
  • From a Terrarium-like Water Town to a Busy Town with multiple structures colliding, explore the chaotic and fascinating landscapes in Minecraft.

The Minecraft terrain generator has a lot on its plate, as it needs to create endless details worlds that span millions of blocks. With so much detail to fill, the terrain generator may create odd or grand-looking sights. Minecraft has over 60 biomes, mountain generation, villages, and other structures. The possibilities for interesting terrain generation are limitless due to the nature of the game.


Minecraft: 8 Rarest Naturally Occurring Phenomena

Minecraft’s world is vast, and because of this, players might not know about the rare phenomenon that they could stumble upon at any moment.

A recent bug has revealed an ocean monument that spawned underground. It is fascinating to see what the terrain generator is capable of creating. Seeds play a large role in influencing terrain generation and dictate many factors that shape the world. Seeds may not work across platforms as some Bedrock seeds will not show similar terrain when loaded in Java.

Updated March 30, 2024 by Aly Azmy: Minecraft’s terrain generator will never cease to amaze. This list has been updated to add ten new odd seeds that may interest players. The new seeds add a mix of Java and Bedrock-only entries to give each version a chance to shine. One of the entries covers an area in the nether as most entries only cover awkward terrain generation in the overworld.

1 Cherry Blossom Crater

Unique Factors: Large Cherry Blossom Biome And Massive Crater

Cherry Blossom Crater minecraft

  • Seed: 4669574483087448116
  • Platform: Java and Bedrock
  • Coordinates: X= 360 Z= 40
  • Found by:YourLocalKnight

The cherry blossom biome is the newest biome in Minecraft but tends to spawn in small areas, which is a shame. Cherry blossom biomes are beautiful and are worth building a base near. A player has gotten unlucky by finding a small cherry blossom biome, consisting of only three trees.

This seed has a massive cherry blossom biome that revolves around a deep crater. The cherry tree biome is generated on a mountain and gives the appearance of a large volcano mound but without the lava. Several caves within the crater can be fun to explore within a survival world. In Bedrock, this seed will have a village within the crater.

2 Uncovered Lush Cave

Unique Factors: Lush Cave, Dark Forest, And Mineshaft

Dark oak mushroom lush cave

  • Seed: 199
  • Platform: Bedrock and Java
  • Coordinates: X: -5900 Z: -5100
  • Found By:JVFA5GCGWF

Lush caves are among the rarer underground biomes, so finding lush caves in Minecraft is always rewarding. Mineshafts are the oldest underground structure aside from dungeons and were added during the Beta period of Minecraft. Mineshafts and lush caves are rare to find but finding both of them under a dark forest is almost unheard of.


Minecraft: 20 Best Biomes For Survival

Minecraft isn’t exactly the most harrowing experience in the world, but you’d still do well to take note of these best biomes for survival.

The lush cave and mineshaft are uncovered and are stunning to look at. The mineshaft adds a level of detail that makes the generation look epic. If players are using Bedrock, a woodland mansion will spawn nearby. While the coordinates are a far distance from spawn, this sight is worth the travel.

3 Vertical Bamboo Island

Unique Factors: Single Vertical Bamboo Island With One Glow Berry

bamboo grass island

  • Seed: -6539431750534164077
  • Platform: Java
  • Coordinates: X:0 Z: 0
  • Found By:Plebiain

The center of a Minecraft world is a special area, and players often seek to decorate the center of the world by building a giant structure to give it the respect it deserves. In this seed, players already have a statue established in the center as a testament to Minecraft’s terrain generation.

The vertical island consists of leaves, bamboo, exposed ore, and a long-hanging glow berry which is the fascination of this island. There is a lush cave near the island, but a large ocean separates them, and it almost seems as if this island was ripped apart from there.

4 Glowing Village

Unique Factors: Village Above Massive Underwater Crater Filled With Glowing Squids

Glowing squid Village water

  • Seed: 4325227337
  • Platform: Java
  • Coordinates: X= 70 Z=-212
  • Found By:Jackuhlf

Seeing a village entirely on water is an odd sight, especially when it stands above a massive water-filled crater. The crater is deep and will require players to extend their render distance to see the bottom. The glowing squids create a cool effect below the village and give the village its name.

Directly next to the village is a ruined portal. This seed find is even more mysterious due to the distance between the village and the ruined portal. The view from the village is pretty as the surrounding areas are full of flowers and trees. There are three black horses close to the spawn point when players first spawn. Within the village, there are also three adorable black cats near the middle. Taming the cats and nearby horses is a must.

5 Doomed Village

Unique Factors: Village Connected To Pillager Tower

Villager attacked in village

  • Seed: -5244890357831147264
  • Platform: Bedrock
  • Coordinates: X= 66 Z= 33
  • Found By:Fragrant_Result_186

The iron golem in this seed is tasked forever to work double time, and the villagers are doomed to live in fear. In this seed, a pillager tower spawned within a village. Trying this seed out is a must for players who enjoy watching villagers run for their lives as they live a cursed life. This seed is undoubtedly the fastest way to witness a raid.

This seed is only possible in Bedrock, as pillager towers will never spawn too close to a village. Mojang should consider revoking this rule to allow Java players to witness this odd sight, but for the time being, Java players will have to settle for one of the other unusual Minecraft seeds.

6 The Tormented Villages

Unique Factors: Dungeon Spawner Connected To Village And Nearby Village With 5 Church Buildings

Golem well spawner zombie

  • Seed: -879100998856958804
  • Platform: Java
  • Coordinates: X= -153 Z= 199
  • Found By:Coconutz_124

This seed spawns players near a cave with visible emerald ores by the spawn point. The closest village suffers from a dungeon directly facing the village well and is not obstructed by any barrier. The local iron golem does its best to keep the peace in the village, but it is unclear how long this resistance will last.

The nearest village is only a few blocks away, (X= -144 Z= 256) and has an odd formation. Rather than have a weaponsmith, cartographer, and other unique buildings, this village possesses five separate temples. The church-like structures dominate the entire village and are certainly an odd sight to see.

7 Massive Mushroom Island

Unique Factors: Abnormally Large Mushroom Island

Mooshroom biome large water pond

  • Seed: 16634556
  • Platform: Java & Bedrock
  • Coordinates: X=637 Z= -431
  • Found By:MZEEN1367

Mushroom Islands were added in 2011 and have become an iconic theme in Minecraft. Most Mushroom Islands are on the smaller side and usually deter players from permanently settling in them due to their limited size.

The Mushroom Island in this seed is extremely rare and exceeds the usual expected size of a Mushroom Island. Players can find a tree, sugar cane, and several exposed caves scattered across the massive island. The spawn point is in the ocean, and players must swim to the massive haven.

8 Amethyst Dungeon

Unique Factors: Monster Spawner And Chest Within Amethyst Cave

Amethyst geode chest dungeon

  • Seed: 769309284
  • Platform: Java
  • Coordinates: X= -34 Y= -32 Z= -9
  • Found By:Ben1king2301

Dungeons were the first way players had access to loot from a chest, and for a long time, dungeons were the only generating structure with loot until strongholds were added. Dungeons have been in the game since 2010. Amethyst geodes were added in 2020; they are visually appealing and feature unique sound effects.


Minecraft Needs More Uses for Amethyst Shards

Minecraft features a significant number of items that only have a few niche uses, and unfortunately amethyst is one such item right now.

On one hand, dungeons instill fear in players, while amethyst geodes create tranquility. Having the two collide by having a dungeon spawner inside an amethyst geode is not ordinary. Within the chest is a saddle, which is a beneficial item until players have access to an elytra.

9 Three Layers

Unique Factors: Waterfall, Village, And Ocean Monument

Village water monument waterfall ocean

  • Seed: -2260271473441531330
  • Platform: Bedrock
  • Coordinates: X= -450 Z= -400
  • Found By:YourLocalKnight

This seed has three main features that are grouped beneath a single vertical line. The top layer consists of two floating islands that are only connected by a waterfall present on the higher island. The waterfall lands directly in a village nestled within an ocean.

Below the village is an ocean monument. The local villagers must have a fear of the water and survive solely off their farms. To top the craziness off, the ocean monument is directly connected to a ruined portal that is underwater. An ocean monument spawning directly below a village is one of the weirdest terrain generation bugs.

10 Lonely Mooshroom

Unique Factors: Single Mooshroom And Tiny Mushroom Island

One mooshroom mushroom island small ocean

While the large mushroom island was filled with Mooshrooms, an island far away had to suffer the consequences. This seed contains one of the smallest mushroom biomes possible and houses a single lonely Mooshroom. The island is remarkably close to a nearby ocean monument, which may be the reason behind the mushroom island’s small size.

Players are generally excited when spotting a mushroom biome in the distance, but this island will quickly lead to disappointment or even sadness for the lonely Mooshroom. It’s one of the weirdest Minecraft seeds that players can find in that regard and one that’s well worth checking out at some point.

11 The Grass Desert Village

Unique Factors: Desert Village On Grass

cAMEL villagers crops composter

  • Seed: 19000811
  • Platform: Bedrock
  • Coordinates: X: 237 Y: 63 Z: -430
  • Found By:MBMeat52

This seed features a desert village set on grass and is not too far off from the spawn point on a small island. The village presents itself as a desert village with a resident camel. All the village homes are desert-themed despite being surrounded by grass.


Minecraft: 10 Things You Never Knew About Villages & Villagers

Villages and their inhabitants are a big part of the Minecraft experience. What are some fascinating facts about the villagers and their homes?

The village’s island is next to a massive badlands biome and desert. While most biomes in Minecraft have localized villages, there is no unique village type for the badlands biome, which is a shame as terracotta can give village buildings a plethora of color options.

12 Eerie Nether Hallway

Unique Factors: Freakishly Long Hallway

Netherack Basalt Blocks Hallway

  • Seed: 7483055913975885057
  • Platform: Java
  • Coordinates: 1) X: -337 Y:67 Z: -90 2) X: -337 Y:67 Z: -275
  • Found By:ENRORMA

This odd seed has its abnormality present in the nether and not the overworld. Within the nether is a nether fortress, which is a short walk from the spawn location of the seed. The nether fortress has an exceptionally long hallway.

The hallway measures 185 blocks from start to finish. This hallway can be advantageous for players farming wither skulls to summon and defeat the wither. Aside from the long hallway, the fortress maintains normal structure generation, with loot chests and nether warts.

13 Amplified Mountains

Unique Factors: Amplified Mountain

Amplified Lava Water ice tree cloud

  • Seed: -6432548771407811278
  • Platform: Java & Bedrock
  • Coordinates: Directly At Spawn
  • Found By:YourLocalKnight

The terrain generator has a preference for flat landscapes. On Java, players can generate an amplified world, which results in a crazy mountainous terrain that will cause lower-end computers to lag. This seed creates an amplified mountain directly at the spawn point. The mountain peaks at 231 blocks high and is filled with snow, ice, and even lava in some areas.

Despite regular terrain generation settings, the spawn point in this seed shatters all expectations and gives a bizarre spawn area that looks like it was edited in. The area near the spawn all appear normal and follow the regular flat preference for terrain.

14 Mushroom Island Surrounded By Monuments

Unique Factors: Rare Biome Cornered By Ocean Monument

mishroom and four ocean monuments ocean

  • Seed: -2247295913449376310
  • Platform: Java
  • Coordinates: X: 990 Y: 76 Z: 963
  • Found By:DamgodW_-_

Mushroom fields are an incredibly rare biome in Minecraft and have one major unique characteristic. Hostile mobs normally do not spawn within mushroom fields, making them an excellent location for player bases. This mushroom island is on the smaller side.

The ironic part of this seed is the surroundings of the mushroom island are the opposite of safe. The Mushroom Island has four ocean monuments surrounding it on each corner. Players can set a challenge to tackle all four monuments while under a time limit.

15 Turtle Double Spawner

Unique Factors: Four Dungeon Chests & Two Spawners

Zombies and four chests

  • Seed: 6662539672648273587
  • Platform: Java
  • Coordinates: X: -230 Y: 0 Z: -260
  • Found By:Brilliant_Balance208

There are around nine turtles at the starting island and a shipwreck within viewable distance. The shipwreck has a tree that is two blocks deep into the ocean. Near the spawn point is a double zombie spawner with four dungeon chests within a small room. The primary loot from the chests is a saddle, diamond horse armor, and four regular golden apples.

The double zombie spawner is a great start for an XP farm, as the two zombie spawners are close together and will spawn zombies at a rapid rate.

16 Desert Temple On The Shore

Unique Factors: Oddly Located Desert Temple

Alpaca Desert Temple Shore

  • Seed: 7739686093782661526
  • Platform: Bedrock
  • Coordinates: 1) X= -300 Y: 64 Z: 100 2) -800 110 500
  • Found By:Sbwoijwot

The shores in Minecraft could be a lot better, with players mostly using them to obtain sand or clay. Sometimes the terrain generator leaves a nice surprise, such as a desert temple on a random beach shore. The notable loot within the temple is a saddle, four golden apples, eleven iron, and two enchanted books.


7 Best Open-World Games Set In Deserts

On the surface, deserts don’t seem very interesting, but a few games have brought beautiful open worlds to arid desert landscapes.

On the second set of coordinates is an odd lighthouse-like structure made of terracotta in the middle of a desert. Near the terracotta structure is an opening to a cave that leads to a massive underground cave system that drops down to Y -50.

17 Water Town

Unique Factors: Terrarium Like Village

Waterfall vilage pillager tower sea

  • Seed: -6339830355554097814
  • Platform: Bedrock
  • Coordinates: X: 100 Y: 68 Z: 200
  • Found By:YourLocalKnight

Having a village close to a Pillager tower is already odd enough, but adding a waterfall to the mix makes everything even more strange. The floating island-like structure above the village with the waterfall creates a terrarium-like feel that encapsulates the village.

A small portion of the village is obstructed by the floating island above and surrounded by the waterfall that leads to the summit of the island. The pillager tower drags upward and reaches more than halfway into the island structure. The underwater portion below the village reaches down to Y -54 and gives a cool viewing experience from the village.

18 Tall Woodland Mansion

Unique Factors: Panda & Jungle Trees On Elevated Woodland Mansion

woodland panda Cropped

  • Seed: 676803371594080471
  • Platform: Bedrock
  • Coordinates: X: 140 Y: 191 Z: 135
  • Found By:Rajnoka

Woodland mansions are rare in Minecraft and usually do their best to stay close to the surface. In this seed, the woodland mansion extends over 100 blocks from the ground and turns it into an undeniable landmark location. The cobblestone monstrosity can be seen hundreds of blocks away.

Despite there being a mangrove swamp at the bottom of the mansion, a tiny mountain extends with the woodland mansion and has two jungle trees. On top of the woodland mansion is a small patch of grass with bamboo and a resident panda.

19 Busy Town

Unique Factors: Multiple Structures Colliding

Pillager tower boat village

  • Seed: -7254192834410192856
  • Platform: Bedrock
  • Coordinates: 1) X: -900 Y: 80 Z: 90 2) X: -864 Y: 30 Z: 78
  • Found By:Rajnoka

This seed is all about chaos, as several structures are bunched together where they normally would not. On the surface of the first location, a villager island is present with a pillager outpost and a shipwreck all within the same small island.

Under the village, there is a stronghold with a dungeon that spawns zombies. The dungeon is directly connected to the stronghold and is only a few blocks away from the end portal. The second set of coordinates includes the end portal’s location and the dungeon is in the same hallway.

20 Underground Lava Temple

Unique Factors: Missing Chests

Glowberries deepslate Lava desert temple

  • Seed: 2482490754905255652
  • Platform: Java & Bedrock
  • Coordinates: X: 20 Y: 42 Z: 12
  • Found By:DylanDC14

Lush caves have a lot of open space that serves a purpose in this seed. Within this seed, the lush cave is directly under the spawn point and has a desert temple within a massive pool of lava. The lush cave entrance is a few blocks away from spawn and drops down to Y -52.

The desert temple spawns at the pool of lava at Y -52 and due to it already being so close to bedrock, its chests have not been generated. Where players would normally drop down to a pressure plate and TNT, there is nothing aside from sandstone.

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November 18, 2011