How to unlock Majestic Manors in LEGO Fortnite

In LEGO Fortnite, the Majestic Manors are certainly one of the coolest building aesthetics in the game. If you want to build some castles and courtyards, then heed this guide to unlock the prefabs and building parts.

Unlocking the Majestic Manors building set in LEGO Fortnite

In LEGO Fortnite, you can unlock different types of builds, and in LEGO fashion, they come in their own sets and series. One of these sets is named the Majestic Manors, and it covers all you’d need to build a medieval castle. With awesome turrets, great stone walls, and striking green roof tiles, this building set is a must for all players.

The sets you’ve unlocked so far were courtesy of upgrading your first village, based in the Grasslands. However, you need to place a village in the Dry Valley to unlock the Majestic Manors sets. That’s right, not all villages are equal, as their biome does dictate what you unlock when leveling it up.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

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Once unlocked, you must upgrade the village to unlock more furniture and builds that are a part of the set, like for the Log Cabin set for your Grasslands Village. This may seem inconvenient, but setting up the village in the Dry Valley is worth it.

And don’t worry about the temperature and your villagers, as villagers in a Dry Valley Village will instantly equip a Health Charm to help them beat the heat.

The Majestic Manors Set

You’d better be prepared before you commit to the Majestic Manors set, as it requires hundreds of Granite. Below is a list of all the builds in the set, and what they cost.

Build Upfront Cost Total Cost
Humble Manor 23 Granite 161 Granite and 30 Wood
Manor Gates 10 Granite 46 Granite and 2 Wood
Manor Stables 24 Granite 106 Granite and 47 Wood
Tower Manor 51 Granite 453 Granite and 26 Wood
Noble Manor 69 Granite 302 Granite and 66 Wood
Grand Manor 115 Granite 603 Granite and 103 Wood

So yeah, to build one of each in the Majestic Manors set, you’ll need a whopping 1,963 Granite, which doesn’t come easy. I hope you’ve been stashing away all the spare Granite, and not tossing them away. It looks awesome though, so will be worth the time and effort if you commit to the theme and produce some truly Majestic Manors.

Other LEGO Fortnite guides.