How Many Players Can Play Co-Op In Lethal Company?

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  • How Many Players Can Play Co-Op in Lethal Company?
  • How to Increase the Co-Op Player Limit in Lethal Company

Lethal Company is a horror game where you can play solo or with friends to help you survive the gruesome moons. Having a large team for a scrap run is fun, exciting, and a great way to experience the game. You can fight monsters like the Nutcracker together, minimizing your chances of getting killed while obtaining valuable weapons like a shotgun.

While Lethal Company offers a multiplayer experience, there’s a limit to how many players can join you. Knowing this limit is crucial, but there are also ways to increase it.


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How Many Players Can Play Co-Op in Lethal Company?

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A maximum of 4 players can play co-op in Lethal Company. This means you can invite up to three people to join your team and navigate the various moons in Lethal Company with them.

To invite friends, navigate to your Steam friends list and send out invites to any players you’d like to be part of your co-op. The more players you have on a scrap run, the easier it is to deal with monsters and beat Lethal Company. The help of three other players minimizes the chances of you getting fired or getting ejected out of the airlock.

How to Increase the Co-Op Player Limit in Lethal Company

Crewmen in Lethal Company's Update 45 trailer

Many Lethal Company fans are not happy about the co-op player limit in the game and want devs to increase the cap. While there’s no in-game option to increase the 4-player cap, some players have created mods where more than 4 players can join. These mods vary depending on how many friends you want to invite, as some allow only 8 players to join a scrap run while others allow up to 40.

For example, with the BiggerLobby mod, you can invite up to 40 players, and with the MoreCompany mod, you can increase your player count to 32. It’s essential to note that for these mods to work, players need to download and install various applications on all connecting clients. So, if you want to invite 6 friends, all 6 have to download the required plugins and mods before they can play together.

Adding more than 4 players to your team may cause stability and breaking issues with the game. However, if you don’t mind this, you can proceed to explore the darkness and horror in Lethal Company with your best mates beside you.

lethal company

Lethal Company

October 23, 2023


Number of Players