Dungeons of Hinterberg Developer Reveals More About Its Huge Overworld

Co-founder and Art Director for Microbird Games Regina Reisinger spoke to Xbox Wire about the glacier overworld in Dungeons of Hinterberg. Their RPG is set in the distance, filled with snow and ice. This icy expanse is one of four distinct biomes surrounding the charming village of Hinterberg, and we learned more about its blend of exploration, combat, and serene vistas.

While running around in books sounds nice, the game gives you a hoverboard to move around in for speed. The interview revealed how players can zip across snow-covered plains, grind along mystical rails, and carve through challenging slalom courses. Yet the hoverboard is also useful as a weapon, letting you knock over enemies and draw fiery barriers for strategic defense.

The glacier also has many secrets and puzzles waiting to be solved. Players can tackle challenges or revisit areas that were once too difficult. The world is non-linear, so you can explore it without any issues.

Microbird wasn’t shy about the inspirations for this icy wonderland. The majestic Alps, with their year-round glaciers, were a key source of creative fuel. It’s pretty obvious from the pictures that the developers wanted to get the same feel.

Surprisingly, there’s also social interaction. The bustling village square of Hinterberg is the hub for forging connections and gaining a reputation. Your reputation and friendships open doors in the overworlds. Having a powerful ally can grant you access to hidden areas or just rewards.

“Most of the socializing takes place in the village of Hinterberg, your home base that you return to every evening… Some places might only be accessible to you if you have a good enough reputation around Hinterberg or a powerful friend to give you a leg up. And occasionally, you might even meet a friend in the middle of a snowy slope who might give you some rewards for teaching them a lesson in hoverboarding!

Regina Reisinger

There wasn’t much else revealed about the game besides this specific area, but it looks a lot more than just another indie adventure game.