Dragon’s Dogma 2 Developer Capcom Says They’ll Fix PC Frame Rate Issues

Capcom’s highly anticipated game Dragon’s Dogma 2 has been released with major frame rate problems on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. Some reviewers have even reported feeling sick while playing due to the performance issues, which have overshadowed an otherwise well-received game.

Capcom has acknowledged that there are frame rate issues on PC and has stated that they are looking into solutions. The company has attributed the performance problems to the game’s heavy CPU demands, specifically how it handles non-playable characters (NPCs). A Capcom representative reassured IGN that they were actively fixing the issue.

“In Dragon’s Dogma 2, a large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and dynamically calculates the impact of their physical presence in various environments. In certain situations where numerous characters appear simultaneously, the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate. We are aware that in such situations, settings that reduce GPU load may currently have a limited effect; however, we are looking into ways to improve performance in the future.”

Capcom Statement

Unfortunately, Dragon’s Dogma 2 does not have the graphics customization options that many modern games offer. This would allow players to prioritize performance over visual quality. The game director, Hideaki Itsuno, had previously mentioned that the game would have an uncapped frame rate, targeting approximately 30 frames per second or higher on consoles.

Capcom is looking into improving the PC version of the game, but there’s no set timeline for when these changes will be made. It’s not clear if console players will also get these improvements because some say that it affects all consoles, not just PCs. Players excited about Dragon’s Dogma 2 might have to deal with inconsistent frame rates for now, hoping that Capcom will make the game smoother in the future.