Do you need to buy MW3 to play Warzone explained

Players have been jumping into the Call of Duty FPS shooter since Warzone took the battle royale space to new heights. However, when I first heard of Warzone, I was confused if I needed to buy another Call of Duty game like MW3 to play. To answer that question check it out below.

Warzone: Do you need to buy MW3 to play the battle royal – explained

The good news is that you don’t need to buy MW3 or any other Call of Duty game to get into either Warzone or the extraction mode DMZ. With the launch of MW3, Warzone has changed, but again, you don’t need to buy the full game to see those changes. It’s just for everything to be in uniform with the current Call of Duty game. So when you launch from Warzone from, you’ll be able to download the battle royal shooter without purchasing MW3 or any other Call of Duty game.

Related: How to Drive the Train in Call of Duty Warzone

However, regardless of which Call of Duty game you have, the launcher will be the same. Called CoD HQ, you’ll see the most recent games in the series, but you’ll only be able to access the ones you’ve bought. 

Screenshot: Activision

Is Warzone free to play with MW3?

Unlike Blackout which required you to buy Black Ops 4, Warzone is 100 percent free. You can get MW3, but nothing will change other than a few perks. While the base game itself is free, you can buy the Black Cell pass or the generic battle pass. I’ve never bought anything from the store other than the Dune Bundle, and that’s what I like about the Warzone. It’s the fact that I can go months without spending a penny because most of what you get is skins. In other words, Warzone isn’t pay to win, you just need to be good. 

Other Warzone articles.