CS:GO fans now frantically dusting off their Xbox 360s as servers are still online

Counter Strike 2 has now replaced CS:GO in everyone’s libraries. Not only that, but the PC servers are completely dead now. With no way to access the game, aside from loading up an old Beta build that’s still available via Steam, players have had to get pretty creative to mourn a game that has shaped and changed lives since its release.

Now that Global Offensive has been put to rest, the only way to officially enjoy the game online is through an old console. Does anybody remember the Xbox 360? Apparently, the games console released in years past. Now, generations on, it seems this ancient relic is the only way to play CS:GO online.

Users on Reddit have posted screenshots of the game, captioned: “everyone laughed at CS:GO on the Xbox 360 … now it’s the only way to play.”

When asked how many players were online, the original poster claimed that they were in a game with four to five players. It seems as though the servers are still online, though for how long? Who knows. If you’re looking for your CS:GO nostalgia fix, this might be one of the only ways to sate your appetite.

The console versions of the game didn’t receive the same level of care as the PC game, and they never received the Arms Deal update that kept players hooked on the game for years. With CS:GO effectively unplayable now that CS2 has released, it’s likely time for gamers to begin considering the best CS2 tips so that they’re up-to-scratch with the latest game.