Best Champion Combos For Arena In League Of Legends


  • Heimerdinger & Zyra are a strong duo in Arena, using turrets and plants to deal damage and control the battlefield.
  • Singed & Cassiopeia create a deadly combo, utilizing poison damage and grounding abilities to eliminate enemies.
  • Rengar & Ivern can dominate in Arena with Ivern creating bushes for Rengar to jump from, dealing extra damage and receiving support.

Arena is League of Legends’ latest and most innovative game mode. It pits four teams of two against other duos in rounds, with teams losing health every time they lose. With new mini battlefields, game warping Augments, and tons of small changes, a lot is going on in this 2v2v2v2 mode.


League Of Legends: Tips & Tricks For Arena

Fans looking to dive into League of Legends’ Arena mode should follow these tips and tricks.

However, the most important thing for both finding success and having fun in Arena is to find the best champion combos and duos. Plenty of League of Legends champions work great in tandem already, but due to laning restrictions, some duos are only now able to reach their full potential. The best duos for Arena have unique mechanics and are often best pulled off by premades.

Updated December 8, 2023 by Joe Grantham: After a brief hiatus, Arena mode has finally returned to League of Legends, with a slew of changes that will hopefully make the game mode more balanced and even more enjoyable. For example, squishy carries will now be able to reposition more easily with the addition of Hex Gates, and the first champion on a team to die each round can be revived.

While a few Augments have been removed or altered, 60 new ones have been added, allowing players to get even more creative. With all these changes and a scattering of buffs and nerfs, there are some new best-champion duos for Arena.

8 Heimerdinger & Zyra

A Tier: Easy Difficulty

League of Legends Heimerdinger & Zyra

Despite several nerfs Heimerdinger and Zyra are still one of the better champion duos for Arena, and it’s not hard to see why. With Heimerdinger’s turrets and Zyra’s plants, any enemies wanting to engage will lose most of their health before they can even get on top of the two mages.

In normal League, the enemy isn’t forced to fight. But in Arena, if Heimerdinger and Zyra simply set up shop in the right place, eventually the ring of fire will converge on them and the enemy will have no choice. They both have plenty of CC to chain together and great DPS to get through the beefier health bars on Arena.

7 Singed & Cassiopeia

A Tier: Medium Difficulty

League of Legends Singed & Cassiopeia

  • Cassiopeia deals more damage to poisoned targets.

Many players know that Cassiopeia’s E, Twin Fang, deals bonus damage and heals against a poisoned target. They also know that this works against enemies poisoned by champions other than Cassio herself. However, as Cassiopeia is traditionally a mid laner and not many champions have poison damage, this interaction rarely gets utilized.

In this 2v2v2v2 mode though, Cassiopeia can pair up with Singed and poison enemies to death, while not letting them move with their grounding abilities. This is one of many Arena duos that players will hate playing against.

6 Rengar & Ivern

S Tier: Medium Difficulty

League of Legends Rengar & Ivern

  • Make bushes for Rengar to jump from.

Rengar and Ivern have always been a unique and fun combo in League of Legends and have even seen some success in bot lane. However, after some Arena-specific buffs for Rengar, they have quickly risen to the top of the Arena duos tierlist.

The way this combo works is that Ivern creates bushes for Rengar, who can perform large leaps from bushes, dealing extra damage. Ivern can also shield Rengar and fully support him, allowing him to fully carry. With some of the new Augments for Arena, this duo can get very interesting.

5 Yasuo & Yone

S Tier: Hard Difficulty

League of Legends Yasuo & Yone

  • Knockup enemies as the Wind Brothers.

As brothers with similar abilities, Yasuo and Yone are an iconic duo in League of Legends and are currently very strong together in Arena. If either of them can land their knockups, then the fun never ends and enemies will quickly be brought to their demise.


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When played to perfection, this duo is nearly unstoppable in Arena, but of course that is easier said than done with both of them being among the hardest champions to play in League. As they both deal AD crit damage, they can also be easy to itemize against.

4 Mordekaiser & Kha’Zix

S+ Tier: Medium Difficulty

League of Legends Mordekaiser & Kha'Zix

  • Isolate targets for easy Kha’Zix assassinations.

Mordekaiser and Kha’Zix make an interesting duo that is only strong in Arena against two enemies at once. The idea behind this combo is simple. Kha’Zix deals more damage with his Q to isolated enemies. Therefore, if Mordekaiser ults one of the enemies, taking them to the death realm, then Kha’Zix will be left to assassinate the lonely prey.

The player piloting Mordekaiser should aim to ult the tankier enemy, and they do not even need to fight. All that matters is that the Morde buys time for his partner.

3 Trundle & Swain

S+ Tier: Easy Difficulty

League of Legends Trundle & Swain

  • Play for long fights and sustain.

Trundle and Swain are one of the best champion combos in Arena, due to their strengths in the game mode and the fact that they want to play out fights the same. Both champions want to get on top of enemies and stick to them, not letting them escape.

This is particularly true when they are ulting as if enemies are within Swain’s ult, it is never-ending and provides Swain with infinite sustain. Trundle also has great sustain, and with his ult, he can steal the resistances of one target, making them an easy kill and himself more tanky. While these two champions aren’t known for being the most fun, they are great for winning more games in Arena and climbing the ranked ladder.

2 Master Yi & Taric

S+ Tier: Easy Difficulty

League of Legends Master Yi & Taric

Master Yi and Taric have always been a strong duo in League of Legends, but seeing as Yi is a jungler and Taric is a support, they don’t get to spend much time together outside of funnel strategies that have been nerfed over the years. In Arena, however, they can stick together and do what they do best.


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Yi and Taric work so well together because once they are bound with Taric’s W, Master Yi can go as deep as he wants, knowing that support is always within reach. Yi having access to a stun from Taric’s E is one of the strongest elements of this combo, as Yi himself has no CC to make up for his huge damage potential. Taric’s ult making them both invincible is naturally also strong in a game mode all about fighting, especially on top of Master Yi’s Alpha Strike, which makes him untargetable.

1 Gragas & Zed

S+ Tier: Hard Difficulty

League of Legends Gragas & Zed

  • Two of the strongest Arena champions.

While Gragas and Zed don’t have an inherent synergy, they are two of the strongest champions in Arena after both receiving buffs. While Gragas has more access to his passive heal in all game modes, Zed received some fairly substantial damage buffs for Arena specifically.

With lots of damage, both AP and AD respectively, Gragas and Zed’s enemies won’t know what resistances to buy. Their mobility also allows them to get around the map to the Power Flowers or even revive each other thanks to the new mechanic that was added.