Best Vehicles in LEGO Fortnite (and How to Make Them): Car, Plane & More

LEGO Fortnite lets you get creative with all these blocks, beams, and railings and come up with the best vehicles to traverse its diverse world. However, functional vehicles are hard to come by.

I don’t know about you, but the thing I loved the most about LEGO as a kid was making cars. The first time I entered LEGO Fortnite’s sandbox mode, I noticed the small and large wheels in the toy section of the build menu and went absolutely mad. However, despite my attempts, I soon realized crafting functional vehicles that are compatible with the world of LEGO Fortnite wouldn’t be easy, especially if they’re land-based. That’s why I’ve assembled a list of the three best vehicles in the current version of LEGO Fortnite and a guide on how you can build them yourself.

Related: Is LEGO Fortnite Permanent?

Disclaimer: LEGO Fortnite is pretty finicky when it comes to Lego placement. Make sure to use Snap Mode and the Nudge feature to make building easier.

  • Nudge: lets you move items a single row further, backward, and sideways.
  • Snap mode: limits Lego placement to green positions only instead of free-roam.

An Overly Complex Steerable Car for LEGO Fortnite

Screenshot by Gamepur

We can hate on it all we want, but the truth is there is no steering wheel in LEGO Fortnite’s current version. The devs have addressed it and will likely do so in the future.

Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t work around this issue with a couple of switches and thrusters. JYKU’s version of a car in LEGO Fortnite is as close to a fully steerable car as you’ll get. It works just fine, doesn’t break as quickly as the rest, and lets you freely explore all biomes of the map without doing much of a workout.

How to Make a Car in LEGO Fortnite

Here’s a step-by-step rundown of how to make a car in LEGO Fortnite:

An Easy-to-Make Plane for LEGO Fortnite

Fortnite LEGO plane
Screenshot by Gamepur

Nothing is faster, safer, and easier to build than the LEGO Fortnite plane. Soaring the skies of the map spares you the trouble of having to fight enemies, until the devs decide it’s time to add a dragon or a flying Brute.

In any case, its speed and comfort make the plane one of the best vehicles in LEGO Fortnite. At the very least, it’s the one vehicle that doesn’t feel forced in the current version of the game.

How to Make a Plane in LEGO Fortnite

Here’s a step-by-step rundown of how to make a plane in LEGO Fortnite:

A Train for All Your Goodies in LEGO Fortnite

Screenshot by Gamepur

LEGO Fortnite, like many other survival games, gives me a perpetual fear of losing my precious loot. With the train, you can transport all your goodies from one biome to the other, or from caves to your village.

Of all three vehicles, the train takes the most work to assemble. However, unlike the car, once it’s built, this framework is a permanent transportation method both for you, your villagers and your loot.

How to Make a Train in LEGO Fortnite

Here’s a step-by-step rundown of how to make a train in LEGO Fortnite: