The Effects of the Necromancy of Thay on Different Characters Explained


  • Players can choose to destroy, read, or give the Necromancy of Thay book to other characters in Baldur’s Gate 3, each option having benefits and drawbacks.
  • Reading the book requires passing three Wisdom checks, with failure resulting in negative consequences such as disadvantage on future Wisdom checks/saves.
  • It is recommended to have the player character read the book for the most benefit, as it unlocks new abilities and spells like Danse Macabre, which can be useful in late-game quests.

While exploring the expansive world of Baldur’s Gate 3, players may stumble upon a mysterious book called The Necromancy of Thay. Reading this book successfully can provide characters with many benefits while failing is quite harmful. Baldur’s Gate 3 players must choose to destroy the book, read it themselves, or give it to either Gale or Astarion. Each option comes with benefits and drawbacks due to the characters’ differences.


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All Necromancy Of Thay Choices and Benefits

Baldur's Gate 3 finding the Necromancy of Thay

Once players have found the Necromancy of Thay beneath the Blighted Village, they will have several options. To read the Necromancy of Thay, players must also collect the Dark Amethyst, obtained by defeating the Phase Spider Matriarch boss. The choices are:

  • Destroy the Necromancy of Thay. Earns approval from Karlach, Lae’zel, and Wyll.
  • Read the Necromancy of Thay. Players must pass three Wisdom checks to receive benefits.
  • Give the Necromancy of Thay to Gale to consume. Earns a large amount of Gale approval, but destroys the book.
  • Give the Necromancy of Thay to Gale to read. Earns much less Gale approval, but he can attempt the skill checks and receive benefits.
  • Give the Necromancy of Thay to Astarion. Earns Astarion approval, and he may attempt the checks. Note that the third check has an Astarion-exclusive option making it easier to pass.

Reading the Necromancy of Thay requires three Wisdom checks. There are drawbacks if the checks are failed.




Failure Consequences



Cast Speak with Dead without consuming spell slot

50-turn Disadvantage on WIS checks/saves




Disadvantage on WIS checks/saves until cleared with Remove Curse


DC20 WIS (DC15 for Astarion)

Permanent +1 to Wisdom checks and saving throws

Same as Page 2

Some classes (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard) can use alternate stats to make these checks. Later in the game, the character who has read the Necromancy of Thay can also unlock Danse Macabre, a spell that summons several Ghouls.

Have The Player Read It


This is generally the recommended option. The player character will always be in the party, allowing players to get the most benefit from the new abilities. The Danse Macabre summon spell is particularly useful in several late-game quests, including the final battle against the Netherbrain in BG3. There is generally no drawback to choosing the player as the reader, except for a slight disapproval from Wyll and Karlach upon opening the book for the first time.

Have Gale Read / Consume It

Gale in Baldur's Gate 3

Having Baldur’s Gate 3‘s Gale consume the Necromancy of Thay is generally not recommended. It removes the option to have anyone read the book and, while it does count as one of the magical items players need to feed Gale to keep him in the party, there are many cheaper and less valuable items found throughout Act 1 that work just as well.

Having Gale read the Necromancy of Thay is a good option. As a Wizard, he can make Intelligence checks instead of Wisdom, and his naturally high Intelligence makes him extremely likely to pass them with ease. His low Wisdom of 10 could definitely use the boost from reading the book fully. Gale can also pair the Danse Macabre with the Wizard spells in BG3 Conjure Elemental and Create Undead to easily overwhelm enemies.

Have Astarion Read It

Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3

On the surface, choosing Astarion seems like the worst option, as – unless reclassed – he will struggle with the checks due to his Wisdom of 13, and Wisdom is not often a key stat for rogues. However, should players make Astarion the Vampire Ascendant, he becomes a perfect fit for the Necromancy’s benefits. His new Necrotic damage-dealing powers make him well-suited to classes like Monk that do use Wisdom, and he can set the uncontrollable Ghouls on enemies and then safely vanish using his new Misty Escape action.


Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate

PC, Stadia, macOS, PS5

August 3, 2023

Larian Studios

Larian Studios


M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence

How Long To Beat
30 Hours


Split Screen Orientation
Vertical Only

Number of Players

PS Plus Availability

Local Co-Op Support
1-2 Players