Frontiers of Pandora Will Have Photo Mode, but No New Game Plus

With Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora set to launch about a month from now, Ubisoft and developer Massive Entertainment have been revealing new details on the open world title pretty consistently in recent weeks, and more new details were confirmed by game director Ditte Deenfeldt and associate game director Drew Rechner in an interview with Game Informer.

For starters, it’s been confirmed that Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora will indeed have a Photo Mode at launch. That’s something that many would have been looking forward to, given how gorgeous the game looks, so you will be able to snap plenty of pictures as you’re exploring Pandora’s Western Frontier.

On the other hand, something that the game won’t have is a New Game Plus mode. Whether that’s something that Massive Entertainment decides to add following the game’s release remains to be seen, but for now, it doesn’t seem like a New Game Plus mode is part of the plan.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora launches on December 7 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Check out its PC requirements through here.