Wuthering Waves Closed Beta II has Begun

Kurogame has announced the start of CBT2 for Wuthering Waves. Players who sign up for the Close Beta Test previously can check your qualification via the official website.


Wuthering Waves is a story-rich open-world game with a high degree of freedom. You wake from your slumber as a Rover, greeted by an expansive new world filled with novel sights and newfangled tech.

Details for CBT2:

1. CBT2 will support English, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese language options.

2. The test data is shared between the PC and mobile platforms.

3. All game content in CBT2 (including art resources, story content, character skill kits, etc.) is still under development and does not represent the final quality of the game.

4. All game data will be cleared after the test ends.

Official Site

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