UK Internet & Phone Customers Unknowingly Charged For Xbox Game Pass

Some British Telecom (BT) customers in the UK have been unknowingly signed up for and charged for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, leading to unauthorized charges on their internet and phone bills. The extra £10 monthly subscription fee appeared for these customers despite them never requesting the gaming service. Please check your own bill if you live in the UK since this is an ongoing issue.

As reported by the BBC, Complaints about the issue have been present on BT’s online forums since October 2023, with affected customers discovering the charges through discrepancies in their bills, automated subscription confirmation emails, or even simply not owning an Xbox console

While BT has apologized for the error and offered refunds to those who mentioned this issue, it still brings into question why Game Pass was charged specifically.

The cause of these unauthorized Xbox Game Pass subscriptions remains unclear, and the full scope of affected customers is unknown. Some reports suggest the issue may involve a technical glitch between BT and Microsoft, potentially causing automatic service activation on certain accounts.

BT has advised its customers to remain vigilant and check their bills for any suspicious changes. They recommend contacting customer service immediately if any unauthorized charges are identified. While BT has addressed individual cases with refunds and cancellations, the ongoing nature of the issue raises concerns about the potential financial impact on unaware customers.

Some people don’t regularly review their bills, and so this could be added on without their knowledge. The incident also highlights questions surrounding data practices and user consent in bundled service offerings. It remains to be seen how BT will tackle the root cause of the problem and rebuild trust with its affected customers.

As we’ve said before, check your bill if you live in the UK and let BT know if you were charged for a Game Pass subscription unknowingly. This is the kind of thing they should make sure never happens, but it’s up to the consumer in this case.