Top 15 best battle royale games for Android phones and tablets

Updated by Ivan Spasojevic on April 5th, 2024 – swapped two games

Hello and welcome to the list of best battle royale games for Android in 2024! In this list, we have included all the titles that are performing quite well on both mobile storefronts and deliver a good gaming experience. Before we hop into this list, a quick note about the genre. The genre is about the last man surviving a clash. The genre’s name was adapted from the Japanese movie, Battle Royale and was introduced as a game type in early 2010.

Not everyone likes to play the same game over a period of time as new titles are popping out quite often nowadays. When it comes to the Battle Royale genre, players will definitely become pickier. The choice is usually made by considering the game mechanics, features, graphics and sound effects.

While searching on the app stores, you will find tons of games that fall under this category. But, the question is, are they worth trying out? Well, this is a problem that a lot of players tumble into.

Worry not, we have come to the rescue with our list of the top 15 best battle royale titles that are available for Android. You can also take a peek at our other lists with best strategy games for Android, best RPG games for Android and best city builder games.

Okay, now let’s take a look at the finest battle royales in 2024!