THQ Nordic finally reveals Biomutant Switch release date

We can’t quite believe it – THQ Nordic has announced the Biomutant Switch release date, bringing the post-apocalyptic Wung-Fu fable to the Nintendo console three years after the game’s initial launch on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. There’s not long to wait now until you can dive in for yourself.

Biomutant is a critically acclaimed open-world action RPG where you must save what’s left of the world by helping to cure the Tree of Life from a rapidly spreading plague. Experiment 101’s vibrant creation mixes martial arts melee combat with scientific discovery as you mutate your genes to help you survive the harsh environment.

Biomutant isn’t just an ARPG, as it’s also a choice game. On your journey across land, sky, and sea, you’ll discover more about the past and make decisions that will determine the eventual outcome of your quest. No pressure!

THQ Nordic’s announcement post mentions that this port leverages “the Switch’s unique gyro-controls and [offers] players a seamless open-world experience.” Biomutant also launches on the console alongside all existing DLC, neatly packaged into one product so that Switch players can get caught up with the story.

When is the Biomutant Switch release date?

Biomutant lands on the Nintendo Switch on May 14, 2024. You can pre-order the game now via the official website for an early-bird discount and access to the deluxe edition.

That’s everything we know about the Biomutant Switch release date. Head over to our sister side, PCGamesN, to read their Biomutant review and see how the game fared on PC at launch. Alternatively, check out our Guardians of the Galaxy narrative feature to connect with a different space-faring raccoon.