The Unwritten Rules of League of Legends Explained


  • Buy and use wards to gain visibility and strategically anticipate enemy movements in League of Legends. It’s a crucial aspect of maintaining control and making informed decisions.
  • Avoid queuing for a game if you don’t have enough time to play. Matches can last up to 40 minutes or more, so make sure you have at least an hour of uninterrupted gameplay.
  • Don’t chase kills recklessly. It’s important to assess the situation and avoid falling into traps or risking unnecessary deaths. Focus on overall strategy and objectives to win the match.

League of Legends is a massively popular MOBA that has firmly established itself with a player base numbering in the hundreds of millions. It can be an intimidating nut to crack for new players, since League of Legends has a lofty skill ceiling and is also one of the most competitive games on the market. While the objective of destroying the enemy team’s Nexus might seem simple enough, teamwork and strategy will be required in every game.

There are many unwritten rules in League of Legends that can take new players a long time to figure out for themselves. These can also apply to games that are similar to League of Legends, and some of them might seem obvious or be second nature to more seasoned players, but everyone can benefit from keeping them in mind.


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Buy And Use Wards

League of Legends Seraphine Vigilant Wardstone Wards

While many players don’t pay much attention to trinket items, wards can be the difference between victory and defeat in League of Legends. They grant the team visibility into areas of the map that would otherwise be obscured from view, allowing them to see enemy movement. This has a variety of benefits, such as allowing teammates to escape a would-be ambush or catch the enemy when they are vulnerable, like when they are attacking the dragon or Baron Nashor.

Knowing where enemies are is vital information in League of Legends. It takes a constant team effort to maintain a network of wards, since they either expire after a certain time or are eventually destroyed. Warding is so important that players are granted a Vision score, quantifying the effectiveness of their wards. Every League of Legends player should familiarize themselves with the basic ward types and their use cases. There are a few different types of vision control tools:

  • Totem Ward: turns invisible and gives a radius of vision around where it is placed, but despawns after 150 seconds.
  • Control Ward: grants vision like the Totem Ward, but it isn’t invisible, has more health, and lasts until destroyed or replaced. Control Wards also reveal invisible enemies, traps, and wards. Enemy wards in its radius are disabled, too. Control Wards have to be purchased individually, rather than used freely like the other warding tools.
  • Oracle Lens: detects hidden wards, enemies, and traps in a radius around the player for a short time.
  • Farsight Ward: gives a smaller radius of vision than Totem and Control Wards, but will not disappear unless it is destroyed, and has a much larger placement range.

Do Not Queue If You Have Things To Do

Ez and teammates attacking the opposing Turret

It might seem tempting to have a quick game of League of Legends to kill some time while waiting to go out or for guests to arrive. An average game takes about 20-30 minutes, but they can drag on for up to 40 minutes or more. There is nothing worse than playing a game and losing because one of the players leaves.

To be on the safe side when queuing for a match, League of Legends players should make sure that they have at least an hour before they have to do anything else. Even if the match ends quickly, it’s best not to queue again until sufficient free time is available again.

Don’t Chase Kills

League of Legends Shop

It is never wise to follow an enemy for very long, even if they have only the tiniest sliver of health and can be killed by a simple auto attack. There is a good chance they are running towards an ally or a hidden trap. There are exceptions here, like if the location of the rest of the enemy team is known, and they are too far away to help. This rule is especially true if a player isn’t entirely familiar with their would-be victim’s moveset; with so many champions in League of Legends, it can be tough to remember them all, especially for new players. In the end, it’s not kills that win the match, anyway.

There are some Champions that shouldn’t ever be chased. For example, Teemo, one of the most hated champions in League of Legends, often tries to lure players into his mushroom traps. Singed infamously trails a cloud of noxious gas that can kill a player before they realize what’s happening. Most of the time, it just isn’t worth the risk.

league of legends

League of Legends

League of Legends

October 27, 2009


Online Multiplayer


T for Teen: Blood, Fantasy Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco