The Nikke Vampire Survivors Mini-Game Should be Permanent

The Nikke Vampire Survivors mini-game, Memory of Goddess, has taken the player base by storm. It’s a surprisingly well-thought-out feature in the Red Ash event, and I’m secretly hoping that it becomes a permanent part of the game.

If you’re new to Nikke, but you want to try out the new mini-game, you can download the game on Google Play! Or, you can visit the game’s official website.

A Limited-time Event

I love games like Vampire Survivors, including HoloCure. The Nikke Vampire Survivors mini-game basically feels like HoloCure, but in the world of Raptures – which I am very much a fan of. The pixelated chibi versions are absolutely adorable. I may be biased, but they look way too good to remove from the game after the event (Please Shift Up, don’t do it).

The gameplay is simple enough, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. In typical Vampire Survivors form, you run around collecting coins and EXP material to level up and unlock new upgrades.

Once you’re out of a run, you can then use said gold to purchase permanent character upgrades, or buy a new character in general. However, you can only obtain new characters once you’ve completed the prerequisite stages!

The only characters available in the Nikke Vampire Survivors mini-game are the members of the Pilgrim squad. I think there’s some major potential here to add the other Nikke squads over time, each with their own set of abilities and weapons.

Red Hood Receives a Buff… Finally!

On the topic of the Pilgrim squad, Red Hood has officially been buffed. Players weren’t happy when she was weaker than originally expected after her release. Since then, the developers have gone away and decided to give her a little boost. Particularly, her Red Wolf Burst Skill.

One of the main reasons behind the backlash was because of the fact that Red Hood is a Pilgrim – some of the most powerful Nikke’s in existence lore-wise and gameplay-wise. She’s also a pretty major part of the extensive lore, so you’d expect her character to actually be useful in battle, right?