Shadows Die Twice Sells Over 10 Million Units Worldwide

FromSoftware’s Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has sold over ten million units worldwide in its lifetime. The developer confirmed this in a recent tweet and thanked fans for playing the game. The last sales milestone for the title was in July 2020, with over five million units sold.

Released in 2019 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC to universal acclaim, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a hack-and-slash action-adventure which departs heavily from the studio’s previous titles. It sees players controlling Wolf, who must rescue the Divine Heir Kuro after losing his arm. Utilizing a prosthetic with various gadgets, Wolf can grapple through environments, unleash shurikens and much more.

Thanks to the Divine Heir’s blood, he can resurrect in battle, getting the drop on enemies. With a system focused on breaking an enemy’s posture while timing blocks and parries, combat is more skill-based but still allows for some experimentation. For more details, check out our review of the game here.