Run Legends launches in stores to get humanity moving once more

Let’s expose the worst-kept secret in the world; fitness is boring, but it doesn’t have to be, as Talofa Games has finally released its fitness RPG, Run Legends. It is a little silly, and a bit cheesy, but it aims to make running engaging and gives you something to keep coming back to.

The other is in danger from invading aliens, and the only thing that can save it is the thundering stampede of a thousand legs. These Sappers are draining the world’s energy, and it is down to budding runners to defeat these foes with a healthy dose of fitness and fun.

As you go out on your runs or even walks thanks to the customisable pace settings, you will be continuously hyped up by the Operator, a retro callback of a voiceover that keeps you up to date on everything going on. You will encounter enemies that you will have to vanquish through special moves triggered by speeding up or slowing down, a great way to regulate your run without even noticing.

It can be really hard to stick to a workout routine without proper support, or, let’s face it, a bit of competition, so Run Legends gives its players the option to team up to defend humanity. Defeat those devilish aliens with your friends, and see who can reach the top of the leaderboards. Or, if you are more of a solo athlete, strap a spare phone onto your dog and take on the world together.

When announcing the game, Talofa Found and Chief Executive Officer, Jenny Xu, said: “Fitness and gaming do not need to be mutually exclusive, and we are extremely proud to build a game that enables players to improve their health while having fun and playing with friends. We look forward to working with our players to scale this new social fitness experience and create a happier, healthier world.”

Run Legends is available to download now from the App Store and Google Play.