Persona 3 Reload Reveals Stylish Opening Video Complete with All-New Song

Atlus has unveiled the Persona 3 Reload opening animation in all its glory, and if you’re a Persona fan, you’ll likely get a kick out of it.

The upcoming remake of the cult classic RPG is launching on February 2nd, but you can watch the video that plays at the beginning of the game right now.

As you’d probably expect, it serves as an introduction to the characters and world of Persona 3, and it establishes the tone of the game through its moody blue-heavy color scheme as well.

Nostalgic feelings abound.

It’s all soundtracked by a brand new song titled “Full Moon Full Life”, which features the talents of rapper Lotus Juice and vocalist Azumi Takahashi.

Given that this is Persona, the trailer is pretty beautifully-animated, too, with lots of stylized glimpses of the characters, flashy transitions, and gorgeously-rendered backdrops.

You can take a look at the Persona 3 Reload opening animation right here.

If you’re not familiar with Persona 3 Reload, it’s the upcoming remake of the classic 2006 RPG Persona 3, which was released in the US in 2007.

Originally unveiled as part of the 2023 Xbox Games Showcase, the game will be a ground-up remake of the PS2 version of Persona 3, which means it won’t feature the female protagonist of Persona 3 Portable or the extra content of Persona 3 FES.

It will, however, feature brand new story content created for this version of the game, as well as new quality-of-life features, reworked visuals, and a new UI. The soundtrack has also been overhauled, although original rapper Lotus Juice returns for several of the game’s tracks.

Persona 3 Reload arrives on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox on February 2nd. The game will also be available on Xbox Game Pass on day one, so you can check it out there at no extra cost if you’re a subscriber.