Mobile Suit Gundam U.C Engage – Global Release Begins Tomorrow

Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. has announced that they will be releasing the global version of Mobile Suit Gundam U.C Engage on October 17 2023. Players can now pre-download the game onto your mobile devices.

Mobile Suit Gundam U.C Engage is a UNIVERSAL CENTURY war/strategy battle game that brings together all the Gundam characters into one mobile game.

You can enjoy an animated depiction of the UNIVERSAL CENTURY from Gundam and a new storyline that combines animation and battle/adventure! In addition, experience firsthand the battlefields in space firsthand through awesome 6 vs. 6 battles with realistic 3D mobile suits in an easy-to-use/auto-play war/strategy battle game!

As the game has surpassed the 200,000 pre-registration milestone, Players will received up to 3000 Diamonds and a UR Gundam once service launches.

Pre-download the game today and start your battles tomorrow!

Android Link
iOS Link

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Kongbakpao is just an ordinary person who likes to play games and forces people to play the same games with him 🙂