Lost Paws Update 0.6.5 news

Hope you all have been enjoying the Autumn Sale! To celebrate, we have released a small update to give a little more swag to doggo! We added some more hats and fixed a few things to improve the game.

Hello Dog Lovers!

Hope you all have been enjoying the Autumn Sale! To celebrate, we have released a small update to give a little more swag to doggo! We added some more hats and fixed a few things to improve the game.

New Hats

We have added 4 new hats spread about evenly worldwide. Some of the new hats include a traffic cone and a fedora among others. Doggo now has plenty of swag to be mega stylish.

Bug Fixes/Improvements

We also made the following modifications to the game:

  • Modified the town spawn sector to guarantee Mr. Big Hat is always present
  • Modified the balls to be easier to play with
  • Fixed a bug where the cutscene in Doggo City might not fire in unique cases
  • Slight item spawn performance improvement

Thanks a bunch for reading! We aim to have the next major update at the end of December. It is currently planned to fill out more of the systems of the game. We will of course keep all of you up to date here and on our discord. Thanks again for checking out the latest update, and see you in the next one!