Little Nightmares 3 Producer Details Co-op Features

The highly anticipated horror title Little Nightmares 3 is set to introduce a brand new feature to the franchise: cooperative gameplay. This will let you go through The Nowhere with a friend, sharing in the suspenseful thrills and spine-tingling scares that the series is known for. Producer Coralie Feniollo spoke more on the feature

According to Feniollo’s interview, Little Nightmares 3 lets you take on the roles of Low and Alone, two lost children navigating the treacherous depths of this unsettling world. They’ll work together to overcome the obstacles and challenges that stand in their path. This opens up a lot of opportunities for players to play together, from solving intricate puzzles to evading monstrous threats, or just navigating environments.

Feniollo said that the introduction of co-op opens up a whole new dimension to the Little Nightmares experience, allowing players to share the emotions and experiences of this haunting journey together. The game’s signature atmosphere of dread and suspense will surely be a bit thinner, but it will be much more fun to share it with a friend.

While the co-op mode will undoubtedly be a major draw for many players, Little Nightmares 3 will also remain fully playable in single-player mode. Those who prefer to face their fears alone will still be able to immerse themselves in the game’s captivating narrative and chilling atmosphere, ensuring that there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

I personally love this because I am very scared when it comes to video games, especially Little Nightmares. In real life, I’m a former Correctional Officer with a lot of training and experience dealing with criminals, serial killers, and more. In a game, I am limited to whoever I’m playing and that makes me feel weak and helpless. That’s an immersion you can only get in video games, which is why I love the medium. However, all this will be much easier playing with friends or family—If only I could say the same for Phasmophobia.

You can look forward to facing their childhood fears together when Little Nightmares 3 releases on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.