Is Monster Hunter World cross-platform?

The thing I enjoy about Monster Hunter World is going out in the world creating a build, and testing against the diverse range of monsters the game gives me. What makes it better is that I can do that with a friend or two. However, are you like me and have wondered if the Monster Hunter World is cross-platform? We’ll let’s find out together. 

Monster Hunter World: Does it have cross-platform?

If you’re looking to play Monster Hunter World with friends on different platforms, I have bad news — you can’t. So this means you’ll be locked to play with people in your specific place to play. Additionally, Monster Hunter World does not have cross-save, which is a way to take your save with you onto a different system but the same platform. For example, if you’re playing on an Xbox, you won’t be able to take the data onto another Xbox. 

Screenshot: Capcom

However, there’s some good news. Monster Hunter World isn’t region-locked. While you can’t play with people on other platforms, you can still play with people from different parts of the world. You may be scratching your head as to why this is a big deal since other games do this too. But for Monster Hunter World, it’s the first time the game can do this.

Is cross-platform going to come?

As of now, I wouldn’t expect this feature to be implemented in Monster Hunter Now any time soon. Mainly because Capcom is already supporting the sequel Monster Hunter Rise and developing the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds. Sadly, if you want to play with a friend, ensure they have the game on the same platform you’re on. 

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Having cross-play and cross-save has become a norm in gaming today. While Monster Hunter World won’t ever have this feature, Monster Hunter Wilds may be the first in the series to have this option.

As long as you’re here reading about Monster Hunter World, keep on reading about it with our guide on the best long sword builds in the game.