How to Unlock and Use the Breacher Drone in Modern Warfare 3

Image: Sledgehammer Games

While flying saucers and pigs may just feel a little over the top, what would you say about receiving a random drone exploding in your face? Here is how to unlock and use the Breacher Drone in Modern Warfare 3.

Modern Warfare 3: How to Unlock and Use the Breacher Drone

Unlocking the Breacher Drone in Modern Warfare 3 will take more than leveling up or getting kills. You see, you will need to use the new Armory Unlocks mechanic to unlock the Breacher Drone. This means that you will need to complete several daily challenges for you to equip this new Lethal in your loadout. However, since things can never be perfect and nice, you only get to use the Armory Unlock feature once you reach level 25. Do some Kill Confirmed matches and infil with a team to Urzikstan in the MW3 Zombies mode so that you can collect and farm XP fast.

Modern Warfare 3 Armory Unlocks
Image: PC Invasion

Activate the Armory Unlock unique to the Breacher Drone and then you will be tasked to complete 3 Daily Challenges to unlock it. You can complete both Multiplayer and Zombies challenges to complete the challenge tally in no time. Once you do, you will be able to equip the Breacher Drone as your lethal in your main or secondary loadouts.

Modern Warfare 3 Breacher Drone Unlock
Image: PC Invasion

Now, you might think that using the Breacher Drone will have you control the drone’s direction itself mid-flight. However, the truth is that once you activate it, it will fly straight to where you point it. It won’t be the fastest Lethal of them all, but it will explode at impact. This makes the Breacher Dron a very balanced Lethal in Modern Warfare 3. You can use it at matches such as Hardpoint or Domination to make enemies defending zones explode. Alternatively, you can aim them at your enemies’s feet – while aiming a little in front of them. You defeat them without them knowing what hit them.

Modern Warfare 3 Breacher Drone
Image: PC Invasion

Related: How to Get Crossbow in MW3 Zombies (MWZ)

You can even take care of enemies using vantage points to snipe. Moreover, you can shoot your way to victory by them feeling immediately the weight of their decisions. Just make sure to aim the Breacher Drone in from of them. Think of it as a flying bomb exploding in their face. Well, that sounds fun, doesn’t it?

Be sure to check out more Modern Warfare 3 pieces here.