How to Get Hallow Jack in Slap Battles 2023

Image: Guppi

In Slap Battles, the Hallow Jack Glove is a coveted item that can be a bit tricky to acquire. If you’re struggling to get your hands on it, this guide is for you. We’ll break down multiple methods to snag this elusive item so you can choose the one that fits your playstyle.

Slap Battles have many different gloves to get, and maybe you’re having trouble with some, so here are a few of our guides: How to get the Necromancer Glove, Null Glove, and Hammer Glove.

Slap Battles Hallow Jack Glove – How to Get

There are multiple methods to get the Hallow Jack Gloves in Slap Battles. We’ll go through all of them so you can find the easiest way for you to get this spooky glove.

Finding the Gravestone in Slap Battles

One of the ways to get the Hallow Jack in Slap Battles is you need a specific gravestone to spawn in the game. It has a 10% chance of appearing every 10 minutes. Once it’s there, equip the Kill Streak Glove and rack up a 10-kill streak. You can find out your kill streak by looking at the left side of the screen when it says +10 kills return the gravestone and click on it. Doing so will earn you the Jack’s Will badge and the Hallow Jack Glove.

Slap Battles Gravestone
Image: Guppi

How to get a 10-kill streak in Slap Battles

Here are the best ways to get a 10-kill streak in Slap Battles:

  1. Regular Server: Many players are focused on collecting candy corn, making it easier to get a kill streak. The downside? Anyone can equip a one-shot glove and take you down.
  2. Kill Streak Only Server: Everyone starts weak unless they have a high kill streak. Watch out for hackers, though.
  3. Pay-to-Win: If you’re not into grinding, just buy 10 kills after finding a gravestone. It’s the quickest but least satisfying method.

Server Hopping in Slap Battles

If the gravestone is not appearing for you, then another method to try is to server hop. Leave Slap Battles and join again, and see if the gravestone is there; if not, leave, repeat until you find it. It’s a bit of a grind, but it’s effective.

Auto-Click Method in Slap Battles

Another approach involves equipping the Diamond or Mega Rock Gloves. Stand where the gravestone would spawn and use an auto-clicker. This prevents you from getting kicked for being AFK (Away From Keyboard). Come back after a few hours, and the gravestone should be there.

More Slap Battle Glove Guides

If you want to get some more gloves, we’ve got a bunch of guides that will help you obtain them!