How to Get Crowbar in Skull and Bones

In Ubisoft’s long-awaited pirate adventure Skull and Bones, players will have the opportunity to create their own customizable seafarer and conquer the seas as they grow to become a pirate legend. As you venture through the seas, pillaging villages and looting shipwrecks, you will need to ensure your tools are up for the task. In this guide, we will explain where you can find the crowbar in Skull and Bones and how to upgrade it so you can explore more of what the game has to offer.

Skull and Bones features an immensely deep customization element, which allows players to tailor their experience to their own preferences, whether it be in how their character looks, the type of ship they sail on, what their crew looks like, and even what animal is kept on the ship as its mascot. A big part in being able to open up the possibilities for new ship upgrades and clothes for you and your crew comes with your ability to collect resources. It is important that you are able to craft and upgrade your tools to handle any challenge the game throws your way.


Skull and Bones’ Ship Customization is a Breath of Fresh Air for Assassin’s Creed’s Naval Battles

The level of customization available in Skull and Bones is exactly what the Assassin’s Creed series has needed to bring ship combat to the next level.

How to Get the Crowbar in Skull and Bones

Crowbar Location

A Skull and Bones player receiving a Contract Complete notice showing the rewards for completion

In order for players to get their hands on the crowbar in Skull and Bones, they will need to complete the first contract of the game, which differs from a story mission as the game does not have a story mode. Finding the mission itself is a relatively easy task, as it only requires that you sail through the wreckage of the Exeter and disembark onto the island directly ahead. As you walk through the small island, you will encounter the Pirate Chief Officer, who will assign you the task of retrieving goods lost in the wreck.

To find the goods, you will need to go back to your boat and sail to the north of the wreck, which is to the left as you sail away from the island. The goods will be found floating around the rocks in barrels, which you can salvage by pressing the indicated button as you get close to them. While there are no enemy ships to encounter, you may encounter some hostile sharks that will require a few spears to defeat. Once you have retrieved the goods, head back to the Pirate Chief Officer, who will reward you with the crowbar.

It is worth noting that when you are searching for the goods, they will be contained within the border established by the rock formations. If you sail past the lines of rocks and find yourself in open water, you have gone too far.

How to Level Up the Crowbar


The Carpenter vendor from Skull and Bones

Like all tools in Skull and Bones that are used for the collection of resources and to further exploration opportunities, the crowbar is an item that can be upgraded to broaden the number of doors, shipwrecks, and areas that it can open for players. In order to do this, you will need to visit any Blacksmith vendors you encounter. The most accessible one, particularly early in the game, is the one that has a shop in Sainte-Anne. The easiest way to find him is to take the first left after passing the hecklers at the entrance to the island.

All tools in Skull and Bones, including the crowbar, can only be upgraded to particular levels by acquiring the relevant blueprint and the necessary resources for the enhancement. Blueprints are relatively easy to come by. However, it is a matter of finding the correct one for the item you want to craft. You will find blueprints on your journey by completing contracts and missions and purchasing them from the countless vendors scattered throughout the game’s map.


Skull and Bones

February 16, 2024