How to Find the Widow Maker in Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 is filled with great weapons, and unlocking the Widow Maker gun requires completing a gig for Panam.

Cyberpunk 2077 has weapons that come in all shapes and sizes, some more memorable than others, like Skippy, the talking gun. Then, there are other weapons you cannot pass up, like the Widow Maker. Unfortunately, many players do not know how to get the Widow Maker in Cyberpunk 2077, especially since it is tied to a choice during an important gig.


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The Widow Maker is a sniper rifle that shoots projectiles that can poison enemies, making it a welcome addition for players who like to take out enemies from a distance. While the weapon can be deadly in the right hands, players can miss out on it if they do not make the right choice during the “Ghost Town” gig. Keeping this in mind, this guide will provide step-by-step instructions to complete the gig and successfully acquire the sniper rifle in the process.

How to Get the Widow Maker Gun in Cyberpunk 2077?

Kill Nash for Black Widow Gun

You can get the Widow Maker during the “Ghost Town” gig after agreeing to help Panam seek her revenge by following these steps:

  1. Complete the “Playing for Time” gig to unlock the “Ghost Town” gig.
  2. Visit the Afterlife and talk to Rogue to find out about Anders Hellman.
  3. Pay Rogue 15,000 Eddies and wait a day to speak to her contact, Panam Palmer.
    First Meeting with Panam

  4. Speak with Panam to learn she needs help retrieving her vehicle from Nash.
    Carrying Toolbox and Following Panam

  5. Retrieve a toolbox from the Aldecaldos camp and make your way to Rocky Ride. Here, you will need to scan three objects and then restore power.
    Restore Power Generators for Trap

  6. After setting up a trap for the Raffen Shiv gang, wait for them to arrive and eliminate them to get the keys to Panam’s vehicle.
    Nash Hideout Conversation with Panam

  7. After Panam gets her truck back, agree to aid her in eliminating Nash.
  8. Panam will drive to Nash’s hideout, leading to a shootout.
  9. Take out the hacker first before killing the other gang members.
  10. Head to the second floor, where Nash will be hiding.
    Widow Maker Weapon Stats

  11. Kill Nash and pick the Widow Maker to add to your inventory.
    Drink with Panam at Sunset Motel

  12. After Panam is done with her call with Rogue, head to the Sunset Motel with her for a drink and a good night’s rest to conclude the gig.

Interestingly, you can get two copies of the Widow Maker using the Cyberpsychosis quickhack on Nash after eliminating all the surrounding enemies. He will drop his rifle before attempting to kill himself but will fail to do so since he does not have enough damage. You can then neutralize him, causing him to drop a second rifle.

Choose the “Ok. So where’s this hideout?” option to get to Nash and kill him for the Precision Tech Rifle. Failing to do so will prevent players from getting the iconic weapon later.

After acquiring the weapon, you can craft the Epic and Legendary versions, but you must have the Edgerunner Artisan Perk and Grease Monkey Perk.

The Edgerunner Artisan Perk and Grease Monkey Perk allow players to craft Epic and Legendary weapons.

Why get the Widow Maker?

4K Detailed Complexion for Panam

  • The rifle shoots two projectiles for every shot that deals Chemical damage.
  • Chance of applying Poison.
  • Charged shots deal more damage.

The Widow Maker is perfect for players who want to barge into fights gun blazing, but for those who are not interested, they can sell it for a decent chunk of change.

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Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020