How To Decode Thelxie Morse Codes in Genshin Impact

As part of Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventures in Genshin Impact, you’ll meet Thelxie, an adorable toy robot. This critter only speaks in dots and dashes, but this is no ordinary robot speak. This is morse code.

If you want to know what Thelxie is saying to you, then you’ll need to decode and decipher his many statements.

What are the Thelxie morse codes in Genshin Impact?

Thelxie has a lot to say, it’s just too bad that we don’t speak his language. It is easy to discount the robot’s dashes and dots as the developer’s way of writing “robot talk”, something we simply can’t understand. But more eagle-eyed players will have noticed the similarities of the dashes and dots that Thelxie uses, and the dashes and dots that morse code uses.

We can solve the morse code, but that isn’t enough. Once solved, you’ll then actually have to use a Cipher decoder to translate them into French, which you will then need to translate into English. All is easily done thanks to the wonders of the internet. Who knew the adorable robot could be so complex?

Image via miHoYo

Ciphers are a relatively common form of encoding, so it didn’t take the community too long to discover the translations for that. And if you’re fluent in French, then I guess there’d only be two steps to understand what Thelxie is trying to say.

To save you from having to find three different translators, I’ve shown you every step of the way for each morse code solution below.

Related: When is Genshin Impact 4.3 update’s release date?

All Thelxie’s dialogue translated in Genshin Impact

Below is a table of all of Thelxie’s morse codes in Genshin Impact. This way, you don’t have to make any of the translations yourself.

Morse Code Translation Decoded Text English Translation
-.. -… .– -… DBWB CAVA How are you?
-.. .–. -. –.- -… …. — .— ..-. DPNQBHOJF COMPAGNIE Company
– ..-. …- — TFVM SEUL Alone
… ..-. .– ..-. … SFWFS REVER Dream
-. .— … -… -.. — ..-. NJSBDMF MIRACLE Miracle
–. -… . — -… DBEMB CADLA That’s it?
-.- ..-. ..- -… .— -. ..-. -. -… -. -… — KFUBJNFNBNBO JETAIMEMAMAN I love you mom
-.. -… .– -…!? DBWB!? CAVA!? Are you okay!?

As Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventures continues, we may see more morse code statements being added to Genshin Impact. If that happens, we’ll be here to make sure this list is up to date, so you won’t have to bother will all that decoding. Although now you know how to do it, it shouldn’t be too difficult if you want to take up the challenge yourself to communicate with Thelxie.

Other Genshin Impact guides.