How to avoid suspicion in Little Goody Two Shoes

If you are going to discover what exactly is going on in Little Goody Two Shoes, then you can’t have an entire village population attempting to burn you at the stake for witchcraft or having a bit of a personality. Here is how to avoid suspicion in Little Goody Two Shoes.

Little Goody Two Shoes: How to avoid suspicion

Suspicion is one of the factors that may or may not end in you being accused and submitted to trial for being a witch. While your upbringing is a mystery and the arrival of Rozenmarie may raise a couple of eyebrows, you are just an ordinary girl, in a weird and occasionally ghastly village, with nothing to hide.

Complete tasks / play mini-games

To avoid raising suspicion in Little Goody Two Shoes, you will have to engage with the community by completing the available tasks that happen each day, throughout the day.

Image: PC Invasion

All of these tasks are mini-games you can play and attempt to reach a high score. If you play these mini-games, then the overall village’s suspicion will remain low. Moreover, the higher you score, the more Tiffel – the game’s currency – you will accumulate.

Little Goody Two Shoes Avoid Suspicion Win Tasks
Image: PC Invasion

Pick the right dialogue choices

Another important way to keep suspicion low – and avoid becoming hated by the entire village in the process – is to select the correct dialogue choices whenever you are prompted to give an answer. I suggest that you constantly save whenever you spot a save point, especially before story quests and romance dates. That way, whenever you encounter a dialogue choice, you will get to pick the most appropriate one, avoiding raising suspicion from the various townsfolk.

Little Goody Two Shoes Avoid Suspicion Dialogue Choices
Image: PC Invasion

Give Muffy what she asks for

Remember when I said to save constantly? Well, I just said it, so you should. You see, one of the most annoying characters in the game is Muffy, a little girl who likes to snoop around and becomes the first one to find out that Rozenmarie is staying with you. She is the queen of gossip around Kieferberg, so you better make her happy. And by making her happy, I mean accepting her demands of what can only be described as blackmail.

She will ask for a piece of bread, some grape juice, or even a pretzel, and you must be ready to provide it. Otherwise, your overall suspicion will go up. As a general rule of thumb, explore as much as you can, and whenever you receive a free food item, don’t eat it. Chances are that those items are what Muffy will want you to buy her silence with.

Little Goody Two Shoes Avoid Suspicion Muffy
Image: PC Invasion

Related: How to play Kiss the Rat in Little Goody Two Shoes

And that’s pretty much it! Go ahead and follow the steps below and nobody will know about your encounter with a girl with premonitions, an old hag, or even the devil himself. See, I told you you didn’t have anything to hide!