How long is Lords of the Fallen?

Lords of the Fallen is nearly upon us, due to arrive on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X almost before you know it. That means it’s time to ask a question of the sort we ask whenever any Souls-like approaches: just how long is Lords of the Fallen?

How long is Lords of the Fallen – answered

Length isn’t everything. Most of us have learned that lesson at least a few times over the years. But if we like the experience a game of the more epic variety offers, we tend to want a lot more of it. There’s nothing quite like starting a game and settling into a groove, only to find you’ve reached the closing credits just when things were starting to get really good.


Fortunately, it doesn’t sound like Lords of the Fallen will suffer from that particular issue. In a hands-on session with gaming outlet MP1st, HexWorks studio boss Saul Gascon addressed the topic head-on with some good news based on the development team’s own experience with the game. The relevant number: “30 plus, more or less.”

Compared to the runtime for some of 2023’s biggest games like The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Starfield, 30 hours might not sound like a whole lot. However, those games are outliers of the sort that don’t come along every month. Besides, the estimate of 30 hours refers to just the main campaign and it’s an average of sorts. Some players may be able to clear it in less time, once they’re familiar with the game’s world. Other players may wind up taking longer.

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Another consideration is the existence of a New Game Plus mode the developer promises contains “quite a few surprises.” Even after you finish your first run through the campaign, you’ll likely have reasons to return and seek out additional adventures, as well as to challenge yourself in the game’s harsh environments. That’s what it’s all about, right?

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