Genshin Impact Releases Navia Character Teaser


  • Navia, the leader of Spina di Rosula, is the first female on-field DPS and Geo character introduced to Genshin Impact in almost two years, sparking high expectations from players.
  • Despite initial apprehension about her Geo Vision, Navia’s unique design and playstyle captured the hearts of the community during Fontaine’s Archon Quests.
  • Navia’s playstyle relies on Crystallize reactions and ATK scaling, making her a viable main DPS and allowing for synergies with other characters like Bennett and Furina.

Marketing for Navia is officially picking up steam, as Genshin Impact released a character teaser for Spina di Rosula’s resplendent leader. As a 5-Star Geo Claymore, Navia has some lofty player expectations to fulfill. Not only is she the first female on-field DPS in a long while, but she is also the first Geo character introduced to Genshin Impact since Yun Jin was released on January 5, 2022, almost two years ago. Many fans see Navia as a chance for the Geo element to rise again in Genshin Impact, as it was arguably in dire straits even before the debut of Dendro in Sumeru.

While Genshin Impact players were apprehensive about Navia’s Geo Vision during her first appearance in the Fontaine Overture teaser, the madame and her equally lovable entourage captured the hearts of the community over the course of Fontaine’s Archon Quests. Her visual design is full of unique flair, as not only does Navia use her umbrella as a shotgun for her Elemental Skill, but her Signature Weapon is Verdict, an elegant two-handed axe.


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Genshin Impact Teases Navia for Version 4.3 “Roses and Muskets”

The character teaser was shared by HoYoverse with the Genshin Impact community ahead of the new update, where Navia and Ayaka will headline the first half of Genshin Impact Version 4.3’s limited banner characters. It features an uncharacteristically cheerful Navia delivering an invitation to the Traveler (and Paimon) to attend the reconstruction of Poisson. Given how much tragedy Navia endured during Fontaine’s narrative, many fans are happy to see the demoiselle on the mend. Compared to previous, moody character teasers such as Neuvillette’s or Wriothesley’s, Navia’s character teaser almost feels like a well-earned celebration.

The unique gimmick that defines Navia’s playstyle is the way she uses Crystallize reactions to fuel her Elemental Skill damage. Much like Nilou completely transforms the way Bloom works as a reaction, Navia takes a different spin on an underutilized aspect of Geo. While her numbers don’t necessarily place her in the Alhaitham or Neuvillette tier of Genshin Impact characters, Navia seems to hold her own just fine, and her built-in reliance on non-Geo party members should make it easier for non-Geo fans to give her a try.

Navia is similar to Raiden in that she can be viably played off-field, but works best as an on-field main DPS. While Bennett is often a permanent fixture in many Genshin Impact teams, he is arguably her best healer in a non-Furina composition, as Navia’s damage scales with ATK instead of DEF or HP. Conversely, pairing Navia with Furina, Charlotte, and Zhongli creates a very synergized team that makes use of Fanfare stacks to deal enormous amounts of damage. While it remains to be seen how Navia will fit into the Spiral Abyss meta, fans of her character likely won’t regret spending their pulls “In The Name of the Rosula.”