Fallout 3 is Free for a Day on The Epic Games Store

The newest free game to be available for a day on the Epic Games Store during the celebrations for the Holiday Sale is Bethesda’s Fallout 3.

While the game is fairly date right now, having been released all the way back in 2008, it comes in its 2009 Game of the Year Edition including all of the DLC packages. 

If you want to take a good look at Bethesda’s first steps into the Fallout universe without even having top spend any bottle caps, this is a good opportunity.

The game is available on the Epic Games Store and will be downloadable for free for another 22 hours at the moment of this writing, until its replaced by the next game. 

At that point, it’ll return to its usual $19.99 price. 

This is just one of the 17 games that Epic Games Store has been distributing for free over the Holidays, including Destiny 2 Legacy Collection, DNF Duel, and more. 

Incidentally, the EGS version of Fallout 3 is moddable, unlike the Windows Store version, albeit you have to go through a bit of a process to make it so. That being said, that certainly adds to the value of this classic game. 

Interestingly, documents from the court case that saw Microsoft face off against the FTC, revealed a remaster of Fallout 3 in the works

Yet, we don’t know whether it’s really happening or not, since these documents are a snapshot in time and projects can be canceled or repurposed,

In other Epic Games Store news, a few days ago Epic Games announced an exception for games that include Blockchain or NFT that received an audult-only rating exclusively for that reason. This makes them viable to be sold on the EGS.

It certainly seems like a weird thing for epic to go out of its way to accommodate, but to each their own.