Experience ultimate destruction as Onmyoji brings about Divinity’s Doom

Onmyoji will be releasing its latest event on November 22nd, and it is perhaps the most nihilistic in its history. Divinity’s Doom comes with the tagline of if all creation ends in annihilation, then let’s destroy it already, and they are making good on this premise with the release of an incredibly powerful new character; Izanami.

If you have been looking for a new unit to beef up your offence, then your search is well and truly over. Starting off incredibly strong, Izanamis’ normal skill can deal up to 125% of her ATK to a single target, with a chance to apply Decay. This lowers defence by 100, and at the end of the turn deals an extra 120% indirect damage. That is just the standard attack remember.

She can confirm a buff to an ally which lets them 100 DEF when they attack, a perk Izanami can share when evolved, and can stop them receiving lethal damage three times per fight. Her final attack then deals 120% damage to ALL foes, can cause Decay on them all, deals an extra 120% to the targeted enemy, and casts Rapture which freezes them for one turn. This unit is absolutely insane.

To help you get your hands on her, you are guaranteed an SP/SSR Shikigami within 60 summons across all banners, and using Mystery Amulets, AR Amulets and Jades to summon 50 times will get you an additional random SP/SSR. During this event, regular summons have been replaced with New Horizons and Vintage Classics versions with a different pool of characters than usual.

From the event start until December 12th, when I assume Izanami will explode everything, you can clear a host of missions to earn items to exchange for exciting prizes. Azobuzu’s Misty Monk skins, SSR/SP Summon Scrolls, and an Animated frame are just a few. You can also obtain Scrolls Shard items, with players who repair the most in with a shout of winning SSR Izanami shards.

Onmyoji is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.