Embark into the frozen tundra of certain demise with only some pieces of cardboard to protect you as Wildfrost launches

Chucklefish, developers of hit action-adventure sandbox game Starbound and owner of one of the cutest logos in gaming, has released their roguelike deck-builder Wildfrost. Created alongside developers Gaziter and Deadpan Games, Wildfrost will frost you into the thick of the freeze with only your deck to protect you.

In a world taken over by the titular Wildrfrost, it is down to you to strike out across a world of beautiful, frozen landscapes in a bid to reach the mystical Sun Temple, said to be the only way to vanquish the frost and save the world. Your survival, and indeed that of the world, rests on the power of your cards.

The only good thing about the world being almost destroyed is how it brings people together, in the quaint village of Snowdwell, where three tribes work together to simply outlast the frost. At the beginning of each run, you will select a randomised Leader with their own unique stats and skills, with their tribe determining your starting deck.

Along your journey, you can recruit a host of adorable card companions, elemental items, and powerful charms, which can all work together to create your shield against the opponents. What will also help you is mastering the combat’s dynamic counter system, but no matter how hard you try, it’s a roguelike. You will perish at least a dozen times, embrace it.

After your run ends in your probable frozen grave, you will return to your hub of Snowdwell. You will have the opportunity to expand this town to help you on your next runs. Install the Frostoscope and you will get a sneak peek at the final fight so you can plan ahead, or unlock the Tribe Hall to learn about the games’ tribes for you lore nuts.

Wildfrost is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.