Cities: Skylines 2 Update Brings Fixes, Tweaks, & Performance Optimization

Today Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive released a new update of their city building simulation Cities: Skylines 2

The update is numbered 1.0.12f1 and it’s characterized as a hotfix so it’s not a big one. Yet, it touches on performance which has been a sore spot for the players of the game. 

On top of performance optimization it also includes several fixes and tweaks to various featires.

Here are the patch notes, directly from the official forums.

  • Increased leisure probability to balance the “No customers” situation with commercial companies
  • Improved balance of companies’ profit
  • Tuned down companies ordering input resources when their storage don’t have enough space
  • Fixed trade resource bug preventing some resources from being consumed
  • Fixed miscalculation in college/university eligible count
  • Improved conditions for companies to move away when bankrupt
  • Fixed a dependency error with land value causing potential instability
  • Fixed an issue where loading a new map would cause water state to get out of sync with the save data
  • Slightly increased Windows emission intensity
  • Optimizations for area lights
  • Prefer rendering small objects after large ones when possible to improve GPU performances in some cases
  • Improved shadow LOD calculations to cull irrelevant shadow casters earlier
  • Reduced situations where trees and alpha clipped objects would lead to virtual texturing space running out
  • Fixed citizens hanging around at park areas on regular building lots never getting inside the building
  • Decreased resolution of unnecessary large character textures
  • Removed Spasm radio ad (due to offensive content)
  • Added missing localization ID for Paradox account linking

It’s worth mentioning that the update is only out on Steam for now, while it’ll take longer to reach the Windows Store. 

Yesterday, Colossal Order CEO Mariina Hallikainen also posted the first among her promised weekly updates, mentioning that bug fixes and performance optimization remain the studio’s top priority until the game reaches a level that the developers are satisfied with.

All of these performance optimizations will then go to benefit users of the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions when they release next spring. 

For the moment, Cities: Skylines 2 is available only for PC. Recently, Colossal Order announced the free release of eight free region packs made by well-known community modders. 

If you’d like to read more about this promising city builder you can enjoy my hands-on preview from Gamescom. It’s worth mentioning, that my impression back there was very positive and it still is. Performance issues tend to be temporary, but the core of the game is very promising.