Call of Duty fans could be playing against celebrity athlete ‘addicted’ to CoD

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Call of Duty is one of the most popular video game series across the entire globe. Whether on PC, PlayStation, or Xbox, it’s one of the most played games from year to year. A lot of celebrities have also admitted to playing CoD, and, without knowing, Call of Duty fans could be playing against the latest celebrity athlete admittedly ‘addicted’ to Activision’s shooter.

A lot is expected to be happening in the near future regarding CoD. Over 100 guns, perks, and killstreaks have leaked for Black Ops Gulf War, and other leaked details suggest the campaign is poised to be the best ever. There are also leaks saying it’s remastering a classic map from the Black Ops series, and there are details about zombies that should excite fans who were disappointed by Modern Warfare 3.

We have a whole hub covering all of the known leaks and rumors about Call of Duty 2024 so far. The next CoD installment coming out this year is bound to be huge, but right now everyone is addicted to Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 including famous athletes.

Kevin Durant says Call of Duty is “so addicting”

Famous basketball player Kevin Durant has said that he’s been playing a lot of Call of Duty and that he finds it so addicting. This comes courtesy of an interview clip shared on Twitter by CharlieIntel.

In this clip, Kevin Durant says, “Playing the game, we’re on Call of Duty heavily right now”. He further says “It’s so addicting bro” and “I’m just playing with the homies who’s just a little bit better than me”.

He further encourages players to get a “gaming crew” and admitted that he plays with “dudes that I never even seen before, but talk and vibe every day just on the game, and they feel like my friends now”.

Lastly, he praises his gaming crew as feeling “like a real community,” and he rubbishes the idea that “dudes are too grown up” to play video games. You can find the clip in the embedded tweet from CharlieIntel down below.

The beauty of multiplayer games is that you can literally be playing against anyone, and Kevin Durant is by far not the only celebrity or athlete who has acknowledged they play Call of Duty. Other celebrities listed as playing Call of Duty online include people who have promoted the game like Eminem and Snoop Dog, but also celebrities like Mila Kunis, Andy Murray, and Michael Phelps.

In other CoD news, the multiplayer beta release window for Black Ops Gulf War has possibly leaked.