Bethesda Fixes the Starfield Crashes Caused by Not Using New Game Plus

Bethesda released their newest patch, which fixes a few issues with Starfield. One of these issues was a glaring problem that affected many users. If you didn’t do New Game Plus, you likely have faced this issue before without knowing.

As stated in the patch notes, during long playthroughs without going through Unity, players could experience crashes while saving. This wasn’t just a problem during manual saves; it also affected auto saves. So you could be trying to finish something small, and because you needed to leave an area, the autosave would cause a crash. This was very annoying for players, and it affected me personally.

For those who don’t know, “going through the Unity” is a way of entering New Game Plus. Any more details are spoiler territory. The fact that crashes would happen may mean that the team was not prepared for some players not to go straight into New Game Plus at the first chance. To be honest, New Game Plus isn’t as worth it as initial reports made it seem.

For those who don’t know, it’s not a smart thing to hit New Game Plus the moment you can. The advice to get to New Game Plus as soon as possible was one of the worst pieces of advice given out, and it spread like wildfire. Getting better ships and weapons to modifying them is all gone, thanks to the rewards from New Game Plus. It’s a much better game and experience if you take your time.

Around forty hours in, Starfield started crashing pretty often. It began happening after an hour and a half of playing at a time, then going to an hour, and at around 80 hours, it happened every thirty minutes. I stopped playing because I didn’t want to lose my progress, but I couldn’t figure out why the game crashed during autosaves. Now, there’s finally a solution, but how many others didn’t get as far as I did?

This seems like a huge oversight from Bethesda because even if Skyrim had a New Game Plus, we would still want to play in the first game world. At least it’s fixed, but this shows that players should contact developers about most issues because it could be a bug.