Best teams to start with in Football Manager 2024

Football Manager 2024 brings with it a whole suite of new features, but those new features can’t even be touched unless you have a team to manage. Here’s our take on the best teams to start with in Football Manager 2024.

We’ve compiled some of the best teams to start with in Football Manager 2024, that are going to make for interesting saves thanks to a few factors, but generally that they’re just some fun teams to manage. 

Luton Town, our first option for the best team to start with in Football Manager 2024

Luton have just got promoted to the Premier League in real life, and they’ve got a great story behind them. This save can be your way of trying to keep them up in Football Manager 2024, with the goal eventually to maybe try and push for European competitions down the line. 

Olympique Lyon

I have always had a soft spot for Olympique Lyon, as they’re probably my favorite team in France. Taking on a team in Ligue 1 is always a fun time, and Olympique Lyon have a pretty fun team with some big names like Tolisso and Lacazette for you to manage.

Union Berlin

Union Berlin has an amazing story behind them, with them rising from the lower leagues of German football over the last several years. This summer they signed a few high-profile names, including Leonardo Bonucci, Robin Gosens, and Kevin Volland, after a fantastic season last year. For me, this is the team I’ll probably start with in Football Manager 2024, as they seem super fun to manage, and much like Luton, have a great story to motivate you to try and take them to glory.

Parthenope (Napoli)

Napoli won the Serie A last year, thanks to a fantastic season. Can you defend the title and bring back-to-back titles to Naples in Football Manager 2024?


Sevilla are in a fun spot in Football Manager 2024, making one of the best teams to start with. They’re in the Champions League, and have a really nice squad to work with.

Wrexham, another great option to start with in Football Manager 2024

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Wrexham has been the Hollywood story of football over the last year or two, and that’s no different now. With their promotion to the EFL this year, you can try and take them that one step further and try and get them to the Premier League.

F.C. Andorra

F.C. Andorra are in the second division of Spain, and are currently owned by legendary center back Gerard Pique. They’re currently in the second division of Spanish football for the first time in their history. Can you take them to glory after you start with them in Football Manager 2024?

Inter Miami

Inter Miami are one of the most fun teams to manage in Football Manager 2024, as they have obviously got some fantastic players on staff. If you start with this team, you’ll have players like Lionel Messi, Sergio Busquets, and Jordi Alba to manage. You’ll also be managing in the MLS, which is always a fun league to manage in. 

Yokohama F. Marinos

The J1 League is the newest league added to Football Manager 2024, and the Yokohama F. Marinos are one of the best teams in the league. They won the league last year, so can you defend that title if you start with them in Football Manager 2024? Perhaps maybe you can also take them to some continental success?

Schalke 04, our final option for the best team to start with in Football Mananger 2024

Schalke 04 are currently in the second division of German football, and have a storied history. If you start with them in Football Manager 2024, can you take them to glory in the Bundesliga?

Football Manager 2024 is available for purchase on Steam, and you can check out our other articles here.