Best boots in MW3 beta, ranked

MW3 sees the end of the traditional perk system we all know and love and puts those powerful abilities into equipment instead. Boots, in particular, grant players powerful bonuses. These abilities range from niche perks to absolute game changers. You have a few choices in the footwear department, so let me show you the best boots in the MW3 beta, ranked.

Related: Best gloves in MW3 beta, ranked

Best boots perks in MW3

I wasn’t exaggerating about the power of boots in MW3. Some of the perks they bestow are incredibly strong. Before I show off a ranked list, here’s every set of boots and what they do:

  • Lightweight Boots – Increases movement and swim speed. Reduces noise while swimming
  • Climbing Boots – Increases climbing and mantling speed. Reduces fall damage
  • Stalker Boots – Increased strafe and ads movement speed
  • Tactical Pads – Increases slide distance and allows ads while sliding. Increases stance transition speed and crouched movement speed
  • Covert Sneakers – Eliminates footstep sounds.
Image: PC Invasion

Best boots in MW3 beta, ranked

Now you know what the boots do, let’s see how they stack up against each other. I’m an aggressive player, so don’t fret if my favorites differ from your own.

#5 Climbing Boots

Climbing boots are easily the least effective entry on this list. Fast mantling is nice, but it’s a niche situation that you won’t find yourself in often. A fall damage reduction does little to sell me on the Climbing boots, either.

These benefits are too specific for general use. With how strong the other options are, the Climbing boots are a hard sell.

#4 Lightweight Boots

Increased movement speed is always strong in shooters, and that’s no different in MW3. Combine that extra speed with a mobile weapon like an SMG, and you become an absolute nightmare to deal with.

Lightweight boots are strong, but their usefulness varies massively depending on your weapon and the map. 

Unfortunately, I can’t see a massive benefit to faster and quieter swimming, which holds the Lightweight boots back.

#3 Tactical Pads

Tactical Pads are a ton of fun, and killing someone while sliding is one of the most satisfying feelings in MW3. ADS during a slide is nice, but don’t underestimate the improved stance transition speed. Crouching and ‘drop-shotting’ are among the most effective ways to make your opponent miss in a gunfight. 

Faster movement speed while crouched has its uses for all of you crab walkers out there as well. Tactical Pads have a ton of utility and will likely be the go-to boots for many players.

#2 Stalker Boots

If I could rank Stalker Boots and Tactical Pads the same, I would, but I feel Stalker Boots are slightly better. Increased ADS speed is a huge bonus, and the ability to quickly aim at targets will win you countless battles.

Don’t underestimate the improved strafe speed, either. Quick strafing is a great way to make your opponent miss their shots. If you’re doing this with a mobile weapon like an SMG, you’ll dominate close-range engagements. For players who like their combat fast, up close and personal, Stalker boots are a fantastic choice.

#1 Covert Sneakers

Dead Silence is back, baby! If you’re a casual player or use your TV speakers instead of a headset, the benefits of silent footsteps may not seem like a big deal.

In sweaty G-Fuel-powered lobbies, you’ll quickly realize just how important audio is. Headsets are a conversation for another time, but if you hear your opponent coming before they do the same to you, you’ll usually win the fight.

The Covert Sneakers are countered somewhat by the Bone Conduction Headset, which ‘improves identification of enemy footsteps.’ It’s hard to say how these will compare in the future, but for now, I’ll take silent footsteps any day of the week.

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