Beginner Mistakes To Avoid In HoloParade


  • Fortify the frontline with tank units like the Knight to protect smaller units and prevent the enemy from breaking through.
  • Use Motivation points strategically to prioritize quality over quantity and save them for stronger units.
  • Even if a flag is destroyed, HoloParade players shouldn’t give up. It grants a surge of Motivation and Voltage for a massive counter-attack and comeback opportunity that can turn the tide of a losing battle.

HoloParade is a bright, colorful, and incredibly fun 2D tower defense game that is packed full of characters, all of whom are inspired by their Holostar counterparts. The tower defense genre is usually known for being pretty complicated, but HoloParade luckily strikes the perfect balance of being deep in its mechanics to please more strategic players while also having a lot of casual elements that make it very accessible and easy to jump into.


HoloCure: Best Starter Characters, Ranked

Players will start with 5 Vtubers when jumping into HoloCure for the first time, but some are a lot more fun and effective on the field than others.

Still, with the sheer amount of icons and numbers on screen at once, it can be very easy for newcomers to run into some issues when they first start out, so it can be a good idea to learn about a few techniques and mechanics beforehand that can help out for those first few hours. These are the biggest hints and tips that new HoloParade players should take on board to help make their experience as enjoyable as possible.

5 Leaving The Frontlines Unfortified

Let The Big And Bulky Units Soak Up All The Damage

Knight battling small creatures in HoloParade

Making sure that the frontline is as secure as possible is extremely important; otherwise, it means that the enemy combatants can easily break through and make quick work of the smaller units. The best way to fortify it is to simply deploy a tank unit before anything else, such as the Knight for example, and allow them to take a few hits while the smaller units follow in from behind.

It can also help to take a look at each of the units to determine if they’re more offensive or defensive in their playstyle. Nousagis, for example, are a lot more durable than some of the more aggressive units, but they also don’t have the massive health bar of the Knight, so they can instead be used as supporting units on the frontline. It can be very tempting to just send as many aggressive creatures as possible at the opponent, but this will only lead to an early defeat, so it’s best to be more strategic when picking who to deploy first.

4 Wasting Motivation

Try To Space Out Motivation Points Rather Than Wasting Them

Parade Formation units in HoloParade

Motivation is the meter that dictates what sorts of units can be spawned onto the battlefield. For example, while the Matsurisu only costs 5 Motivation points to spawn in, other units like the Bibi, which is just a little stronger in its stats, will cost 6 overall. A massive mistake that many players make in HoloParade and tower defense games, in general, is using up all their points to prioritize quantity over quality.


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Players in the mood for creative tower defense games should take a look at these examples.

While this can be a lot of fun to try out, it’s definitely not advised since the enemy will easily be able to punch and kick their way through level 1 units with no problem. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to use Motivation tactically rather than waste it. Players shouldn’t be afraid to let the enemy get a little closer to the flagpost if it means saving up some more Motivation points, since it can be well worth it in the long run.

3 Giving Up After A Flag Is Destroyed

A Destroyed Flag Can Allow The Player To Launch A Massive Counter-Attack

Enemies fighting in HoloParade

For the majority of stages, there will be a single flag set for the player and their opponent, which both must defend with their lives if they want to come out victorious. However, even if the player’s flag gets destroyed, the battle is still far from over, as this will allow them to gain a massive surge of Motivation and Voltage, granting them the opportunity to make a massive comeback.

It can be easy to step away from the monitor in anger after a flag gets taken down, but this is the worst thing the player can do since they will miss out on their second chance, which only lasts for a couple of seconds. A risky strategy is to actually allow the flag to be destroyed in order to create an army so big that they will be able to decimate the enemy much easier, though this can be very hard to pull off successfully.

2 Using Only One Instrument

Use Multiple Instruments To Drive Up The Voltage Gauge

Symphony instruments in HoloParade

The instruments system is undoubtedly the most important mechanic in the game, since it can provide some essential buffs that will be necessary for completing the later stages. The way this works is that every unit will have its own type of instrument, which can be seen in the top left of their icon. These instruments each have their own Symphony abilities, such as being able to boost movement speed or attack damage, for example, and they will be active as soon as the unit is deployed onto the field.


HoloCure: Best Weapons, Ranked

HoloCure is a game packed with an entire catalog of fun and weird weapons, some of which are nearly game-breaking due to how strong they are.

However, while these are extremely strong on their own, having a variety of instruments will also boost the player’s Voltage, which, in turn, allows Motivation points to charge up much faster. Rather than just throwing out any units that look strong, it can, therefore, be much more worthwhile trying to deploy a variety of units with different instruments since this will make the gameplay much faster and, as a result, far easier.

1 Ignoring The Upgrade System

Upgrading Units Is Essential For Surviving The Later Stages Of The Game

Obake Chan in HoloParade

Each stage will raise the difficulty just a little bit from the one before until, eventually, they become brutally challenging to complete, so it’s essential to keep upgrading units to ensure that they can handle anything that’s thrown at them. Doing this is very easy; players can simply click on a specific unit on the Parade Formation screen, and there will be an option in the bottom right to upgrade them for a certain amount of coins.

Doing this will grant them a lot more HP and attack damage, so it’s easy to imagine just how essential it could be for surviving against onslaughts of merciless enemies later in the game. Rather than just prioritizing one creature, it can also be a good idea to spread the upgrades out so that no one lags behind once they appear on the battlefield.



December 1, 2023


Tower Defense, Strategy