Anime Champions Simulator Black Hole Quirk – How to get

Anime Champions Simulator allows you to give your champions little passive bonuses using Quirks. There aren’t many noticeable differences until you try to make a champion that’s really strong and that’s when something like Black Hole becomes important. We’ll explain below how to get the Quirk, and what it does.

We made sure to rank the Black Hole Quirk appropriately in our Anime Champions Simulator Quirks Tier List & Guide, so be sure to check it out. In any case, be sure to check out our Anime Champions Simulator Codes page for free boosts and yen.

How to get the Black Hole Quirk in Anime Champions Simulator

To get the Black Hole Quirk in Anime Champions Simulator, you will either have to win your champion with it or you will have to keep rolling it until you obtain it. In terms of time and medals, rerolling a Quirk is expensive, but it is well worth the effort.

Once you’ve repaired the Black Hole Quirk in Pirate Town, you’ll need to go to the Magic Tree to reroll. You can find it by going to Champions Town and looking to the left of the leaderboards. This is where the path leading to the Magic Tree can be found.

Walk into the shimmering floor circle labeled Quirks near the Magic Tree. The interface for rerolling Quirks can be accessed by clicking the plus sign. If you would like to reroll a champion’s Quirk, select the champion and click the reroll button. Be sure to empty the Quirk slot before enrolling.

You’ll need medals related to the area they come from, so Pirate Medals for pirates, and Dragon Medals for characters from Dragon Ball Z. More medals can be obtained by defeating powerful characters in those worlds and doing Raids. Defeating Frieza in Green World will earn you Dragon Medals, and defeating the Harbormeister in Pirate Town will earn you Pirate Medals.

What does the Black Hole Quirk give you in Roblox Anime Champions Simulator?

You get a 1.5 increase to DMG, a 1.5x increase to Crit Chance, 1.5x Ability DMG1.5x Atk Speed, and 1.5x MoveSpeed and the ability to teleport to enemies if you have the Black Hole Quirk in Roblox Anime Champions Simulator. These are pretty good boosts, especially if you’re going to use this for Raids, but still aren’t as good as the Assassin.

It will likely take you a lot of medals to get this Quirk, as you will probably not get it on your first attempt. We still think it’s worth rolling until you get it.