An unofficial FNAF and Fortnite collab may arrive sooner than we think

Fortnite fans eagerly awaiting a horror-themed crossover from Five Nights and Freddy’s may not have to wait as long as they originally thought, thanks to Fortnite Creative.

Earlier this week, fans noted that a survey had been sent to certain fans asking their familiarity with a gluttony of popular franchises, series and famous celebs. One of the top things on that list, and that got most players excited was, by far and away, a potential crossover with soon-to-be-a-Hollywood-movie jumpscare game Five Nights at Freddy’s. However, given the wide ranging list of items – plus the vagueness of the survey – seemed to indicate that any fruit from this may take quite some time before fans would actually see it.

Now, however, an enterprising fan has revealed that they’re already working on their own method of bringing in the series most famous character – Freddy Fazzbear – into Fortnite, having created a working player character model in Fortnite Creative. As spotted by UEFN Hub – a fan-led Twitter/X account that highlights Unreal Editor creations, the user by the name of TheBonnieKiwi has made the model, and we’re amazed how well it fits into the world of Fortnite. They’ve even recreated the infamous office location in a follow up tweet.

Although brief, the video has fans incredibly impressed and hyped for a future collaboration – and if this shows us anything it’s the feasibility of how well the characters would work in the world. Of course, there is the thorny issue of rights and copyright, so it remains to be seen if this project will actually get released or if it may get swiftly taken into a dark room by copyright lawyers and screamed at by a possessed animatronic.

Fortnite is currently enjoying its own spooky-themed Halloween celebrations of course – thanks to the ongoing Fortnitemares event. Alan Wake is already in there, and there’ll be official appearances from Jack Skellington and Michael Myers himself are on the way.