Albums With The Best Rewards In Marvel Snap

Albums With The Best Rewards In Marvel Snap


  • Collecting variant cards in Marvel Snap’s Albums rewards players with exclusive goodies like card variants and emotes.
  • Each album celebrates specific artists or variant types, offering unique rewards such as avatars, collector’s tokens, and spotlight keys.
  • The value of each album varies, with some like the Hellfire Gala offering standout rewards like exclusive card backs and top-tier variants.

As Marvel Snap continues to grow and improve, so do the game’s features and card collection. One of the bigger new features introduced by Second Dinner was Albums.


Marvel Snap’s New Album Feature Explained

Marvel Snap continued to grow throughout 2023, and one of its latest features offers players rewards for collecting some of the game’s card variants.

The albums are mini-collections that focus on specific artists or variant types. As players unlock more cards within that album, they are rewarded with exclusive rewards only available from those collections. As the feature has been around for several months, more and more albums have been released, each with their respective rewards, from card variants, spotlight keys, and even exclusive card backs.

1 PANdora’s Box

Cards In Collection: 12

PANDART STUDIO Album marvel snap she-hulk

  • 3 – PANDART STUDIO She-Hulk Avatar
  • 6 -1000 Collector’s Tokens
  • 9 – PANDART STUDIO She-Hulk Variant Card
  • 12 – She-Hulk Flex Emote

The PANdora’s box album focuses on PANDART STUDIO variant cards, and the collection features a mixture of good-looking PANDART STUDIO variants that will be showstoppers in several decks.

While this album does feature one of the best-looking variants of She-Hulk, a Snap hero with a strong ability that has helped her remain one of the best 6-cost cards in the game. The value of the album does have a matching avatar and a nice flexing She-Hulk emote. The 1000 tokens do dampen the overall value of the album when compared to others here.

2 Max Grecke Heroes

Cards In Collection: 12

Max Grecke Heroes Ice Man Marvel Snap Album

  • 3 – Max Grecke Ice Man Avatar
  • 6 –2000 Collector’s Tokens
  • 9 -Max Grecke Ice Man Variant Card
  • 12 – Confident Thor Emote

Much like Dan Hipp, Max Grecke’s art style offers a unique take on that character while remaining easily identifiable. This album is a celebration of their art variants.

The rewards found within Max Grecke Heroes offer some worthwhile rewards, including a neat action skating Ice Man and a matching avatar. The rewards also feature the confident Thor emote and double the number of tokens found in the PANdora’s Box Album at 2000.

3 Jim Lee X-Men

Cards In Collection: 12

Jim Lee X-Men Album Marvel snap Deadpool X-Men

  • 3 -Jim Lee Deadpool Avatar
  • 6 –2000 Collector’s Tokens
  • 9 – Jim Lee Deadpool Variant Card
  • 12 – Bring It On Magneto Emote

The X-Men lineup features some of Marvel’s best characters, and to see an album celebrating the heroes and villains of the long-running series. The album focuses on respected X-Men alumni artist Jim Lee and his famed iterations of these characters.

The album rewards are fairly good too, with a good Magneto emote and a respectable 2000 collector’s tokens to be claimed. The real prize is getting that Jim Lee Deadpool variant, which is a great way for players to nab one of the games’ best 1-cost cards, and a card that’s essential to some of the games’ best destroy decks.

4 Staying Hipp

Cards In Collection:12

Staying Hipp Album cosmo marvel snap

  • 3 – Dan Hipp Cosmo Avatar
  • 6 –2000 Credits
  • 9 – Dan Hipp Cosmo Variant Card
  • 12 – Cosmo Cool Emote

Dan Hipp is a staple in the Marvel Snap community. Their fun and easily recognizable take on so many Marvel characters means there are many great Hipp variants out there. So it’s probably not much of a surprise that they have more than one great album.

Staying Hipp celebrates some of Marvel Snap‘s most iconic ongoing ability cards in the signature Hipp style. The collection also has great rewards, heavily canine-themed by celebrating one of the best 3-cost cards in the game, Cosmo. The cute variant is one of the heroes’ best. Chuck in a good avatar, a healthy amount of credits and an ice-cool emote make it a great offering all around.

5 Venomized Villains

Cards In Collection:12

Venomized Villains Album marvel snap kingpin

  • 3 – Venomized Kingpin Avatar
  • 6 –Venomized Kingpin Variant Card
  • 9 -Spotlight Key
  • 12 – Venom Snacking Emote

Venomized variants are Marvel characters are perhaps some of the most frequent variants in the series, with so many comics, artists, and even a fair share of Funko POP! Figures celebrating the Venomized variations.


Marvel Snap: The Best Venomized Variants

These familiar Marvel Snap cards have undergone a transformation, merging with Venom to give rise to a new variant: Venomized!

So it probably comes as no surprise that a Venomized album was one of the first introduced. The anti-hero-themed album celebrates some of the best versions of the Venomized cards and offers a great reward structure with only six needed for the Kingpin variant, as well as a spotlight key later on.

6 Low Cost, High Impact

Cards In Collection: 12

Low Cost High Impact Album Squirrel girl marvel snap

  • 3 – Dan Hipp Squirrel Girl Avatar
  • 6 –Spotlight Key
  • 9 – Dan Hipp Squirrel Girl Variant Card
  • 12 – Sweating Ice Man Emote

The Low Cost, High Impact album shines a light on the great one-cost cards and the impact they can bring to the game. Each card in the collection is a Dan Hipp variant, and the rewards reflect those low-cost heroes.

The album’s rewards focus predominantly on a Hipp Squirrel Girl variant, with a matching avatar that’ll be a fine addition to many low-cost/Patriot-based decks. Alongside Squirrel Girl, owners will also be treated to a spotlight key and a nervously sweating Ice Man emote that showcases another great low-cost card.

7 Kim Jacinto

Cards In Collection: 12

Kim Jacinto Album marvel snap moon knight

  • 3 – Kim Jacinto Moon Knight Avatar
  • 6 –Spotlight Key
  • 9 – Kim Jacinto Moon Knight Variant Card
  • 12 – Random Stuff Go Moon Knight Emote

Kim Jacinto has some superb-looking variants within Marvel Snap. It’s a treat to see them highlighted in an album that delivers great rewards too.

The rewards for the Kim Jacinto Album focus on Moon Knight with not only an excellent Moon Knight variant and matching avatar but also a great Moon Knight emote that will surely see a good amount of use. Add to that a spotlight key, and it’s easy to see the value of these rewards.

8 Hellfire Gala

Cards In Collection: 12

Hellfire Gala marvel snap album captain marvel

  • 3 – Hellfire Gala Captain Marvel Avatar
  • 6 – Spotlight Key
  • 9 – Hellfire Gala Captain Marvel Variant Card
  • 12 – Captain Marvel Card Back

Despite being one of the earliest albums to drop, the quality of the collection and rewards have kept the Hellfire Gala album an album worth completing. The Hellfire Gala variants feature some great card designs but also unlock a variant of one of the game’s best 4-cost cards, in Captain Marvel.


Marvel Snap: The Best Hellfire Gala Variants

Check out this list of the most stylish Hellfire Gala variants before spending your Gold on any of the new Marvel Snap card designs.

There are currently two Captain Marvel variants available through completing albums, with the other coming as a reward for completing the Cosmic Companions Album, but this Hellfire variant is on another level. The card keeps the same glamour of the set’s theme but also allows players to get a matching avatar and card back to make a standout Captain Marvel. On top of that, there’s also a spotlight key to be earned to help bolster the player’s card collections. The Hellfire Gala Album is a great collection, with rewards that complement the glamorous style.

9 Cute But Deadly

Cards In Collection: 12

Cute But Deadly Marvel Snap Silk Rian Gonzales

  • 3 – Rian Gonzales Silk Avatar
  • 6 –1000 Collector’s Tokens
  • 9 – Gambit Swoon Emote
  • 12 – Rian Gonzales Silk Variant Card

The Cute But Deadly album is the most recent album to launch, celebrating some of the great art by artist Rian Gonzales, as well as being the only (current) album to feature a variant of a series 4 card with Silk.

Series 4 cards can only be found in spotlight caches or purchased with 3000 collector’s tokens, so Silk is perhaps the highest-value variant throughout all the albums. It’s also one of Silk’s best variants, and add to that a matching avatar and swooning gambit emote, and it’s a very cute but worthwhile reward offering.

10 Artgerm Heroines

Cards In Collection: 12

Marvel Snap ARTGERM HEROINES Album Storm

  • 3 – ARTGERM Storm Avatar
  • 6 –Spotlight Key
  • 9 – ARTGERM Storm Variant Card
  • 12 – Just No Storm Emote

It’s hard to deny that the Artgerm album features some of the games’ most stunning variants. The Artgerm album also boasts some of the best rewards for players, including a versatile Storm card that can lead several decks.

On top of the fabulous Storm variant, the rest of the album’s rewards are also great, with a spotlight key to help unlock desired spotlight variants and the latest cards, a matching avatar, and a Just No Storm emote that’s sure to be well-used.

marvel snap key art poster

Marvel SNAP

August 22, 2023

Second Dinner

Digital Card Game