Sols RNG Left Hand Guide – Gamezebo

Finally, some justice for us lefties! In this Sols RNG Left Hand Guide, I teach you how to equip two gauntlets at once, which gauntlets are available for your left hand, as well as the perks of rocking two gloves.

Check out Sols RNG over on Roblox. For more gauntlet guides check out my Sols RNG Subzero Device Guide and my Everything You Need To Know About The Jackpot Gauntlet Sols RNG guide.

Sols RNG Left Hand Guide

Finally, you can put both hands to use and stunt two gauntlets thanks to the Era 6 update! Plus, with new gauntlets added, there are a few options available to mix and match with. That said, not all gauntlets are multi-handed. When you open your inventory, the new Gauntlet display has a letter behind the item indicating the hand it is equipped to. L for left, R for right, naturally.

Despite what’s circling, you don’t need Premium or any sort of game pass to access the two-handed gauntlets. Thanks to the Era 6 update the inventory interface received a complete revamp. When you access your inventory now it’ll show an avatar on the left with both gauntlet slots. On the right is your inventory of Gauntlets with the lettering for hand they can equipped to.

Right Handed Gauntlets

  • Lunar Device
  • Solar Device
  • Eclipse Device
  • Exo Gauntlet
  • Galactic Device
  • Subzero Device
  • Windstorm Device

Left Handed Gauntlets

  • Jackpot Gauntlet
  • Gravitational Gauntlet

Best Glove Combination

The current best glove combination is the Gravitational Gauntlet and Galactic Device since it maximised luck potential from both hands.  Both of these gloves can be crafted at Jake’s Workshop. Which is a small shack with a red roof on the main island of Sols RNG. The Gravitational Gauntlet offers an x6 luck boost based on the bonus boost roll, whilst the Galactic Device gives a +250% luck boost with a roll time reduced by 30%.