Are Egg Hunts coming back to Roblox in 2024?

The Roblox Egg Hunt series is a line of popular Roblox experiences made by Roblox themselves. Discontinued in 2020, the players remain hopeful that they may return one day. Is this Easter the one that they return for?

Update – we have received a new teaser that has convinced a lot of players that this may be a reality…

Are Egg Hunts coming back?

Officially, there is no confirmation or denial about whether the Egg Hunts are returning. So, as of right now, any beliefs that Egg Hunts are returning are based on speculation. This isn’t just baseless speculation, however, especially with the most recent development.

Whether the teases and found information does become the reintroduction of the Egg Hunts or not, one thing is clear: whatever is coming next will be huge.

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Why do people think Egg Hunts are returning?

There are two reasons why people have thought that the Egg Hunts are coming back to Roblox. A datamined upcoming feature and a teaser released by Roblox on X.

Most recently, Roblox posted the following image to X and Instagram.

Presenting a release date, March 15th, and some sort of tube, this image could really mean anything. But that hasn’t stopped the community on X from going wild at the thought of the Egg Hunts returning. One commenter on X even states that the distortion within the tube itself looks eerily egg-shaped.

This is not all.

Below is another post on X by Bloxy_News, a reliable source of news for all things Roblox. They have revealed — presumably through data-mining — that Roblox is working on a new navigation page. Its name? “The Hunt.”

Naturally, this is huge news. Whatever “The Hunt” is going to be, players are excited for it, myself included. Whether it’s going to be something completely from the Egg Hunts remains to be seen, but it would be cruel to use half the name of an incredibly popular and dormant series just for it not to have anything to do with it.

This unreleased navigation page with the latest teaser from Roblox is looking to be the lead-up to the next Egg Hunt. Personally, I don’t believe this is the revival of Egg Hunts exactly as everyone (myself included) is hoping for. Instead, I think it’s going to be a new take entirely on the beloved Egg Hunt series.

There you have it, all the news surrounding the Egg Hunt for 2024. While you wait, it may be worth immersing yourself into a great adventure game.