YOU SAID IT: Entitled Liberals

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Funny, isn’t it, that the Liberals in opposition made such a stink about Bev Oda paying $16 for a glass of orange juice and here we have Justin Trudeau who stays at a $6,000 a night hotel, flies to B.C. because he feels like surfing that day, goes to a so-called free vacation in an exotic location when it cost taxpayers over a $100,000 for his security detail, hotel rooms, etc.

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I could go on and on, and the Liberals all don’t give a darn because he’s Trudeau, but if any Conservative leader did this they would be raked over the coals. Liberals believe they’re entitled to their entitlements, but this is only good if you’re a Liberal and no one else is entitled to their entitlements because they aren’t a Liberal. Rules for thee, not for me.

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The next election can’t come soon enough to get him out of office, and then we can try to get this great country back to what it once was before Trudeau took over.




I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I don’t think the majority of people are against LGBTQ or transgender rights. We are who we are and love who we love. The issue that this community is totally ignoring is that the very group that they say they are standing up for are the ones that Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is protecting. Kids have the right to be kids and adult issues should not be foisted on them when they’re at the age of trying to discover who they actually are.

People under 18 can’t vote or drink, so what makes this life-altering decision any different? What about all those who chose to go through the surgery, only to regret it later? I agree with Premier Smith and applaud that she had the common sense to step up to protect those kids until they are old enough to make such a huge decision. Too bad we didn’t have more like her.




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